Chapter 62

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Harry's P.O.V

After placing our breakfast of the table, Tahira pulled out the other earphone out of her ear. Taking out an iPod from the pocket of her shirt, she switched it off and placed it on the table.

"I didn't know you had an iPod." I said and she chuckled, cupping her mug in her hands

"It's a really old one. I rarely use it these days." Tahira said and suddenly turned her head away from me, but before I could think anything regarding it, she gave out a loud sneeze.

"Caught the cold?" I asked and she gave a sheepish smile "I guess. Still haven't gotten used to the weather." She said and I chuckled. It was indeed getting colder by the day.

"What are you doing up so early though?" Tahira asked and I shrugged

"Don't know. I just woke up but couldn't go back to sleep either." I said and she quietly sipped on her tea.

"Tell me something," I said and she nodded for me to continue "You aren't feeling pressured are you? I mean with the way we're going with the wedding." I asked and she shook her head

"Why would I? We both decided on the date and now we are just doing that." She said but then shook her head "For the last time, the only objection I have with this is that your body is still healing, Harry. You should be resting for a while before wanting to get married. Nothing else."

"Just making sure." I mumbled, quietly having my tea.

As the sun rises up on the horizon, so does Tahira's body temperature. She was on the couch, blankets wrapping her whole body, while her whole face was red.

"I'll be fine, Anne. It's just a slight fever." Tahira said in a hoarse voice as mum huddled up to her like a mother hen.

"Not one word from you, young lady. Have your food and take a nap." Mum ordered and Tahira sighed while I let out a silent chuckle, but mum heard it so she gave me a look, shutting me up on the spot.

Tahira got better within two days of having her fever. Time flew by after that. All of us were busy in some way or the other. Omar, Sara and Tahira were busy calling their relatives and friends about it, along with sending the invitations which arrived a week later. Mum was doing the same, while I was concentrating on making my muscles work without being in pain.

It was already nearing October end, but a slight pain was still present in my muscles. It made me a little worried that I'll lose my bet, but I was also determined to get rid of it.

Tahira had already gone for her wedding dress shopping so to say, while I was given a choice whether to wear a tux or wearing something similar to what Liam and Louis wore on Eid, I went with the tux.

"So we got our clothes, picked the flowers, colour theme for the reception, made an order for a wedding cake on your request, decided on what food will be served at the reception and Scarlett has made the rest of the preparations. Am I missing anything?" Tahira asked and I thought about it but then shook my head

"No, I think you've covered it all." I said and she wrote something down in her notebook but then dug the end of her pen in her cheek

"I needed to talk to you about something too." She said and I raised an eyebrow "What?"

"Well, we are supposed to be in different rooms. Before we say 'I do' per say. But now that we are holding the wedding in the meadow, I was wondering what should we do?" She asked and I felt myself frown

"Well... I think we should talk to your parents about this. It's too late to change the wedding location." I said and she nodded

"I know."

When we talked to Omar and Sara about it, they said it would be a good idea to have a wedding in a tent, separate it into two rooms and after we've said 'I do' we can remove the barrier between the two rooms, have Tahira join me after that.

We talked to Scarlett about it after hanging up on Omar and Sara, and she said it was short notice but could be done. So that was one problem solved.

I asked Tahira one day, what do they say when they get married because I've never heard of them saying 'I do' on weddings. She replied by saying something in Urdu 'Qubool hai' that being 'I accept'. When I asked her further about it she said that the imam asks if you accept the nikkah* to so-and-so person thrice, you have to say 'I accept' whenever he asks.

"Tahira?" I asked as I knocked on her door. According to Dr. Cooper, I was well enough to not use crutches anymore so in the end, I won the deal between us.

"Give me a second!" She called out and mum and I exchanged looks just as the door opened a few minutes later.

"Good morn-"

"Happy birthday!" Mum and I chimed together and she smiled

"Thank you both!" Tahira said and hugged mum. When they broke apart, I opened my arms with a crazy expression saying 'Where's my hug?'

She just chuckled, shook her head, linked her arm with mums and walked away.

"No fair!" I called out and heard their laughter echoing the halls making me chuckle.

Today is going to be one interesting day.


Nikkah* :- Marriage.

AN: It's short I know but I've got a good surprise for you all in the next chapter!! Comment, Vote and Follow :)

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