✦ Rivals...(🌹) ✦

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This one was actually inspired by how my parents got together. It was literally an enemies to lovers. But not all the details are the same btw.

Now without further adieu...

Rivals -Mattheo Riddle


Me and Mattheo have been rivals for years.We have been enemies for waaaay longer, i mean we never actually said "We are Enemies." But you get the point. He is a rich pretentious,prick who also happens to be the dark lords son. Yeah he's handsome and yeah he's really funny,and smart but he can be a real dick sometimes. That all blew over when i went just a tad bit too far.

--------END OF FOREWORD-------

y/n's pov

I had just come to my classroom after breaking into Mattheo's Locker and talking his most prized possession. His Mr.Whiskerson(its not a cat.Its a stuffed animal) i was the only who knew about it because i caught him with it.I nearly to class but I was pulled and pushed against the wall. As I looked up to see who it was I saw the one person I really was hoping not to bump into.

Mattheo Riddle.

Shit.He looks mad.I mean i just stole his entire childhood.Why wouldn't he be mad.

"What the Hell Y/N?!"
"Ohhh thaat. I dOn'T kNoW?"
"Well you little bitch. You better give him back."
"Nah i think i might keep him."
"Give it or else."
"Or else what?"

He grabbed me hair and started pulling it so I punched him in the gut. He didnt even flinch.

God why does he have to be so strong?

We both started wrestling in the corridor as it soon began to fill with a crowd...and Umbridge.

"Oh shi-"

Me and Mattheo were stood in a position where I was in a neck-lock and I was pulling his hair.


We both followed her down while giving each other death glares.

We got there and he and I took a seat.

"Mattheo I want you to move schools."
"Yes move.Mattheo I have talked to your father and he says its okay."
"But WHY?"
"Because you are obviously bothering Y/N and corrupting our top student."
"B-But then make her move why do i have to?"
"We cant lose our top student!"

For some reason i didnt want him to go. It felt weird but he really didnt do anything.

He's my enemy why are you acting like this?

"Proffesor Umbridge,If i may, he didnt do anything."
"Its true.Anything he did.I did twice as worse."
"Well you know what I am going to write a letter to your Parents Y/N."
"Because this kind of behaviour is not allowed at Hogwarts."

She started writing with her awful pink quill and gave it to her owl.

Within seconds my father came through the chimney of her office.

"Y/N L/N!"

If you didnt know. Me and my father dont exactly get along great. Well lets just say he abuses me,and my mom.He is a mean old man and he hated every girl in our family.

"U-Uh its n-nothing fa-father."

I saw Mattheo's facial expression change to a worried look.

"Its not nothing if I GET A LETTER FROM THE SCHOOL!"

I flinched at the sudden change in his volume.

"You know what Y/N? I can't deal with this right now. You are just going to have to get homeschooled."
"YES Y/N thats my decision and its final."

My father disappears back to wherever he came from and I just look around the room not knowing whether to be embarrassed or shocked.

"Well I guess its settled then.Off you go now Children."

I walked out and went up to my dorm. I guess I better get packing.

-----------2 hours later----------

I put a few of my clothes in a bag but soon after i just went outside and sat on one of the benches. I tolted my head back and rested it on the back of the bench. I closed my eyes and as I took in a sharp breath of the frost winter air.And deeply exhaled.

I knew I was leaving but all that was running throught my mind was...

I really dont know
Out of all the things that are happening why him?
Why would i even think of that stupidly hot,dumb idiot?
I guess he is hot though.
His eyes and his smooth pink lips. And dont even get my started on that jawli-
I dont think he's hot. He is my enemy. But its hard when hes thats cute. No.NO!

I slowly opened my eyes again.


There was Mattheo standing behind the bench with his head upside down to mine.

"What are you doing here?" I interrogated him.
"Oh so now Im not allowed to just look at nature?" He said with a smirk.
"Yeah go look at nature over there. Why do you have to scare me like that?"
"Yea what?"
"Are you okay?..."

He sat down next to me.
He gave me the most sympathetic look i have ever seen a Riddle give.

What's wrong with him today? He should be happy I'm leaving. Even thought I'm not at all elated...

"Yeah Im fine."
"No I mean seriously."
"YEA i am serious."

I really wanted to deny this but I wasnt okay. I felt like my life was crumbling apart. My parent recently had another big fight and my mother is getting badly hurt. She wants help but she knows that if he finds out. He' ll actually kill her.And school the one place I could feel safe in is gonna be taken away from me.

"Fine! Okay Riddle Im not 'Fine'. My life feels like its about to shatter or maybe it already has. My mental health is on the verge of a cliff. My Mum and my dad have problems. Like serious problems. A-And the one p-place i c-could e-escape to was s-school."

My voice began to break at the last line and I just couldn't stop the tears I've held in for years.
I just fell into his arms and started to have a break down.

He didnt say anything.
He didnt need to.
He just softly stroked my hair .

As odd as this should be. It isnt. I didnt realise that all that fighting actually made us really good friends.

"Y/N listen to me."

He lifted up my head from him and made me look at him.

"You can get through this."
"I-I-I cant, y-you don't understand."
"Y/N i understand better than anyone. Having Voldemort as your father isn't exactly the best parenting."

I stared into his eyes and kept looking at them. As my eyes slowly flickered from his lips back up. I never realised how pink his lips were and the light made his cupids bow as defined as ever. He looked really...good.I leaned in closer. As did he. His face lit up slightly.Closer and closer.Until we were barely a few millimetres away. His hot breath warming up my lips a little. I connected our lips as couldn't wait any longer.

It felt really nice. Kinda like what I was waiting for since day 1?

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for this Y/N."
"You're not too bad yourself,Riddle." I said as he gave out a little chuckle and looked into my eyes.


Well this was just really fluffy....*sniff*I'm not crying...you're crying! I hope you enjoyed reading it:) Have an amazing day<3

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