101. - 105.

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Scars fade.
Scabs heal.
This is evidence that I am starting to heal.

I needed to love you from afar.
Yet that was something I couldn't do.
I wanted to be there.
I wanted to be involved.
I wanted to be with you.
Be there for you.
I knew that I needed to love you from afar.
I knew that it was hard to do.
Yet I knew I could.
~E, even if I felt like I couldn't.

I look around when we were driving on the road.
Even though I've seen the same scenery 10 times over again.
When I looked at you,
It felt the same when I looked at you the first time.
~E, your the most beautiful thing in my eyes.

I would rather be confined to a small space.
Then all I could touch I could control.
~E, nothing would slip beyond my grasp.

Now being able to say,
"I'm over you."
Will never not feel like poison to my lips.
It was a something I felt like I would never have.
I expected you to stain my soul. Leaving an imprint for all to see.
Not having a doubt of how long you should've stayed.
How long you shouldn't of lingered.
But you lingered far too long.
Now I'm going to have to remember you for twice as long as I've known you.
~E, I'm trying to say goodbye.

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