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I don't understand why I love you.
I don't understand why I can't stop.
You shouldn't be able to have this hold over me.
When all I wanted from you was love and you showed me every reason why I couldn't have it.
~E, toxic relationships.

I'm starting to realize why my mother is unkind to me.
Besides my looks she sees herself in me.
Casting her own reflection onto her as would a mirror.
Our emotions and reactions aligning.
Even down to our issues with ourselves.
Her trust issues pouring out of her and onto me every time her and my father argue.
Seeing her own self in me.
Is not comforting.
~E, casting a reflection.

Sometimes I forget who I am.
After being raised into a carbon copy of my father.
I had forgotten who I was along the way.
Getting so used to molding myself into other people.
I forget who I am along the way.
~E, imposter syndrome.

I had the thought of relapsing today.
To inflict the pain that I was mentally feeling onto me physically.
So maybe then it would be easier to bear.
~E, self inflicting harm.

you smelled like home.
not a freshly blown out vanilla candle smell.
that I had associated with my childhood home for years.
but no, you smelled like when my mother would come back inside after smoking outside.
trying to relax herself she says.
but I always knew it was more than that.
~E, weed.

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