166. - 170.

14 2 0

I'm trying my best,
and that has to be enough.

I wish I was someone you needed.
Not someone you wanted.
~E, even if you needed me you could still want someone else.

Something that I crave,
want, and desire.
In unhealthy amounts.
It fuels my veins and runs through my mind unconditionally.
I would say that I don't need the validation.
But I would be lying to you.
~E, validation.

Have you started to miss me yet?
I miss you.
~E, I just hope you know.

"It it what it is."
I could've said more that day.
I could've said nothing at all.
But I knew if I said anything more. I would be asking you to stay.
Which I knew was something I didn't want.
I knew if I said anything less I would've regretted what I didn't say.
I also knew another thing.
That it was what it was.
Nothing more, nothing less.
~E, it is what it is.

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