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My Father.
A man who opens almost every door for me.
A man that knows me like the back of my hand.
A man who would do anything for me and to make me happy.
A man that leaves a permanent smile on my face.
A man that can make hours feel like minutes.
A man who loves me for who I am now and who I could be.
A man that never leaves me wondering on what I did wrong to make him react a certain way.
The one I can go to when I have something stupid to say.
The one that also witnesses all my dumb mistakes.
The one where I don't have to water down my personality.
The one where I can just be me and no one else.
The one where I can hold his hand when getting a piercing of some sort for moral and emotional support and stability.
The one where he constantly keeps me on my toes for the things he says.
The one I can depend on.
The one I am forever grateful for.
~E, setting the standards for all the ones after him.

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