286. - 290.

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you've lied.
you've manipulated me.
but god forbid that you actually love me.

why couldn't my love be enough for you?
why did you always have to want more?
more than me.

I deserve better.
But god, how much I did want you.
~E, I wanted you to be better.

A hole was left in my chest when we cut contact.
As if you took part of me with you once it was all said and done.
I felt so empty, so hollow.
You walked away from me just as you've done times and time before.
It was as if you weren't bothered whether or not I was in your life or not.
As if you didn't care.
As if my presence didn't make a difference or not.
I don't think it ever did.
~E, I miss us.

I think I cried when you left.
The whole body cry.
The one that leaves you shaking afterwards.
The one you feel with your whole body and soul.
I knew how it felt to be replaced.
But I never would expect that you would make me used to this feeling.
I thought you'd never leave.
Just for someone who didn't stay.
~E, replaced by someone who didn't stay.

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