191. - 195.

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I realized.
that night,
I had fallen out of love with you.

We were a pair
that would find each other.
In every lifetime.

We were just two kids
trying to love one another.
The best we could.

I'm a little child that needs to be praised for every little accomplishment.
For getting up on time.
For getting up at all.
For getting out of bed.
Getting to school on time.
Getting an A on a test.
Or a quiz.
Even getting a B, C, D, even an F.
I tried right?
My best?
~E, appreciation and validation.

That's what we were. Strangers.
The word stained my tongue.
It didn't feel right.
It didn't feel like us.
I wondered if when you walked pass me in hallways did you think of me as I thought of you?
~E, strangers again.

sunsets after dark. | poetry collectionΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα