176. - 180.

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Magnets P2
I didn't lie when I said that we had no attraction.
But it wasn't true either.
There was things I didn't quite understand.
Stuff that kept me wondering.
Thinking, about you.
I wonder if it was the same for you with me.
~E, magnets.

I was silently
hoping that you'd changed.
~E, you didn't.

I wanted you to miss me.
Like I missed you.
~E, equal.

I wanted to forget you.
So badly.
But I didn't want you to forget me.
I wanted to stain your memories like you did mine.
~E, flowers.

I am not a patient person.
I waited for a
call, a text, something.
To tell me that you weren't leaving me behind.
I waited patiently for my phone to lit up with your name.
As I wish it did.
~E, attachment.

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