297. - 300. + A.N.

4 1 0

I'm a lover not a fighter.
I will love, and love you.
Until you destroy me.

Keep the part of my heart that you took when you left.
You need it more than I did.
You needed my love more than I do.
So take it.
My heart's still full even without it.
~E, you needed my love. Rather you want to admit or not.

Some say hair holds memories.
That it lives with you through memories and time.
But I don't want to hold onto these memories.
My hair has grown way beyond those memories.
From a time when my hair was way above my shoulders.
To a time where it's just above my tits.
It feels weird.
Since all the hair that remembered you has already been cut off and dealt with.
But my new growth hair remembers you.
Just as the rest of me does.
~E, hair.

I'm starting to realize I can exist without you.
That I will be fine without you in my life.
And I'm still trying to be okay with that.
~E, rehabilitation.

300 already? Holy shit. That's a lot of poems.

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