[𝟘𝟙] 𝔹𝕦𝕓𝕓𝕝𝕪 𝕎𝕖𝕝𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖.

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[Y/N's POV]
Tomorrow will be my first day of the semester. Then I grabbed some white bandages and strapped them tightly around my forearms. "This should work for now.", I breathed out and quickly brushed my teeth, used the toilet and cleaned my hands. Then I went to sleep. 

The next morning was quite nice. Beautiful warm sunrise matched with warm sunbeams shooting through his windows. It felt warm. This combined with a very well known bird chirping sound, reminded me of my childhood. The morning ambiance was like a filter to a long forgotten and underappreciated time. As if it was summer 2016 again, where all I had on my mind was playing with friends and not making big green grass stains on my new jeans or white t-shirt. Back then life was good. But I wanted to grow up so eagerly. I honestly don't know why anymore. But enough nostalgia. Or I might even shed a tear over it. But these memories are so shattered that I sometimes even wonder if they were ever real. 

But now was not the time for thought. "I need to get up now.", I complained as I shoved the blankets away and sat down at my bedside for a solid 2 minutes without thinking anything. I just booted up. I took a quick glance around my room, picked out some clothes I found laying on the floor, brushed my teeth and left it. After I closed the door behind me, my hands were running down my bandaged forearms making sure the bandage sat snugly.  As I walked down the hallway I was so into my own thoughts, that I had't noticed a rather short girl in front of me. We barely dodged each other and all I could hear was a pissed "Pay attention.", huffed out by her. "Sorry your Majesty.", I ironically spat back at her. She stopped and took a quick glance at me. But I didn't pay any attention to her anymore and continued my way down the hallway. As i arrived at the so called quad and looked around. Non many people were there since most of them had classes, I suppose. I mean it was Monday morning after all. 

[Enid's POV]
I can give a tour today. I can give a tour today! I CAN GIVE A TOUR TODAY!', my mind raced around in excitement. 'Calm down Enid. You have to calm down.', I tried to calm myself down. Looked around the quad and quickly noticed a lost seeming guy sitting down at a bench as if he was waiting for someone. 'Maybe he is waiting for me? Furthermore I haven't seen him here before.', I thought and decided to happily skip over to him.
"Hi! I'm Enid. Enid Sinclair. I belive I should show you finally around.", I said trying not to sound too excited whilst introducing myself.

[Y/N's POV]
"Huh?", I looked up to see a girl standing in front of me. She was around 5'3 had her hands behind her back and smiled wildly. She was wearing a common nevermore uniform consisting of  a white shirt, a black tie, tied simply -not looking too fancy- ,over that she wore a purple sweater vest with a v-neck that had sewn-in stripes. Over that a blue blazer with black stripes sat snugly on her shoulders. And of course the golden N logo of the nevermore academy on top of her breast pocket. My eyes traveling a bid down her appearance I notices she was wearing a rater long skirt of the same color pattern. Her hair was quite unique. It was blonde and shoulder length. Her blond hair, parted on the side with light curls, had traces of paint on it. There were traces of pink on the right and traces of light blue on the left. Her makeup was quite flashy too. Purple eyeshadow combined with black mascara. Applied not to heavy but also not to light. She looked quite nice. She wore no noticeable lipstick so I assume she had glossy red lips él natural. 
After I was done analyzing her I realized what she wanted. "You must be the one for the tour around this place." She quickly nodded and I stood up. "Well. my name is y/n and I believe you are Ms. Sinclair?", I introduced myself as I held my hand out waiting for her to shake it. 

"Yes I'm Enid! Nice to meet you y/n!", she loudly answered whilst taking my hand. 'Damn so loud and happy.', I thought. Before she could even start shaking it I bent down a little and lifted her smaller hand up a little up. Then I brought my lips down onto the back of her hand kissing it softly. When I shortly opened my eyes during the process I noticed her nail polish. Ring finger was red, the middle finger yellow, ring finger cyan and the pinkie finger was navy blue- 'or is it royale blue? I have no clue. Whatever.' 

Then I looked back up at her she looked very flustered and confused. Or was she mad? Maybe weirded out. Fuck. I don't know how women are thinking. Perhaps that's why I've never had a girlfriend? 'Fuck it we ball.' 

To quickly change the focus of attention I began. "You've given tours before?" "Yeah.", she replied shortly and with newly found velocity. "Then let's get started, shouldn't we?" 
"Yup.", I answered sharp and continued with, "Lead the way then." 

After some walking I decided to break the silence and brought up a conversation. "Enid. What kinda music are you into?", I asked because I definitely knew how to talk to women properly. "Many things actually. But mostly pop." Thats when I beacame interested. "What kinda pop?", I asked deepening the question. "I love the 2000's pop era, it just slaps!", she exclaimed excited. Like a fire just lit up inside her blueish eyes. "Good choice.", I just answered wanting to sound manly and deep. "Soo what do you like listening to?", she asked me all of a sudden. "Well- I like the 2000's pop era as well but mostly rap. Rap from my homeland.", I answered while my voice drifted a bit into the distance during the last sentence. "What is your homeland then?", Enid asked me curios. "Germany", I answered bluntly. "Ohh, some german kid in daycare told once me that >>Du dummer Hurensohn<< ,means I love you.", she talked proudly. Thats when I couldn't handle it anymore. The cluelessness with her overall cuteness was making me burst out laughing. "Hey! Why are you laughing at me?!", she complained sounding confused. "Enid. Honey. That doesn't mean 'I love you.' that means 'You dumb son of a bitch.'", I corrected her. '
"So you mean that my life was a lie until now?", she spoke ironically dramatic. "Yes.", I answered back. 

After that she continued talking about the school and the social rank system. "I wanted to stalk your socials before I met up with you but I haven't found anything online about you. No Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok or Instagram. You should definitely hop onto those. Geez, do you even have a phone?", she appealed to me. 
"Yes, I actually have.", I answered to her interrogation and pulled out my black iPhone 11. "Let me put my number in, just in case you ever feel lonely and need a friend to talk to.", Enid offered. "I'm kinda the therapist friend. I always check on everybody.", she added to convince me. "If you say so.", I gave in and handed her my phone in order for her to put her number in my contacts. "But I doubt I will need your therapeutic advice. I'm a man that got his head straight.", I answered smiling at her.

"Enid. What kind of outcast are you actually?", I asked curios. "Me. I'm a werewolf. I haven't wolfed out though.", she answered and I noticed that she was sounding almost a little sad about the second part. "Why is the wolfing out part bothering you?", I answered with a question. "My mom makes a big deal out of it. You don't need to worry about me though I'm fine.", she answered. I didn't like this. Not at all. She was not fine and I knew it. It's really not hard to see through a overly happy person. Nobody can be this happy all the time. Every full time happy person is a part time liar. I will fix this. That is what I owe her for showing me around and being my first friend in here. Don't forget to check on those, who check on you. They might be in a worse condition than you. "Anyways thanks for the tour Enid. We got fencing class together along with a few others. Do you mind being my first partner? Since I never learnt how to handle a sword and you can explain things really good."; I asked. "I would absolutely love to!", she happily agreed and slipped back into her happy personality. 'I think she has more depth then others might think.', I thought to myself and walked back to my dorm room unsure of what to do next. 

[Enid Sinclair/Wednesday Addams x Male Reader] Claws and stitches into his heartΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα