[𝟘𝟝] ℕ𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕝𝕪 𝕍𝕚𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕤.

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[Y/N's POV] 
After I finished the messy sketch of Enid and Wednesday I looked at the time and discovered that the sun had already set. It was dark. A calm and soothing night. Comforting darkness, like Wednesday somehow. 'Alright now I need an outfit.', I thought. 'Nevermore attire would be too boring though.', I thoughtfully added. 

After quite sometime I figured out an outfit to wear. Many people would just wear all black since it's simple and looks good, but let me tell you only if you do it right, and since I had limited clothing options I needed to figure something else out. 'There we have it.' Nothing special. I wore a pair of straight black jeans with a white T-Shirt over it. Over that T-Shirt I put a light blue short-sleeved shirt which I left completely unbuttoned. Over that I had put a black bomber-jacket to keep me a bit warmer. For shoes I picked some white Jordans with blue and black accents to match the rest of the outfit. 

Then I walked out of my room. 'What do I even want to say to her. I can't simply engage with: >>Hey Enid I'm very concerned about your mental health let's talk about it. I care for you.<< But you know what? Fuck it. I will do just that.' Then I arrived at the floor called "Ophelia-Hall" also known as the girls floor. '1 Rule: No boys' I reminded myself before entering the hallway and looking around carefully. 'Fuck. Ms. Thornhill is on her patrol route just in this goddamn moment!' But I got an idea. I quickly pulled out my phone and texted Yoko. I knew that her room was the closest to my location and asked her to unlock her door for a second. To my extreme surprise, she responded immediately. And yes she agreed. But wanted an explanation from me in return. 'Please tell me I still got the change from earlier.' 'Perfect'; I thought grabbing one of the coins and throwing it across the hall, which caused Ms. Thornhill to look confused in its direction. She then stood up and muttered a quick "Is somebody there?" and walked over to the coin. I used this time-span of distraction to quickly slide through Yoko's door. 

"Now what is this all about?!", she scream-whispered. "Wednesday wanted to meet up with me in her dorm, I don't know why.", I explained. "Maybe she wants to kill you for earlier today?", she suggested. "Maybe. She can try. But I don't believe that this will be the reason.", I added. "Now my dearest vampire, if you would excuse me-", I began and bowed down ironically. I then made my way over to the window, opened it and marveled the view outside. Then I saw it. The window which was mentioned earlier by Wednesday it was also one of the only rooms that had a balcony since it was placed a bit higher than the rest. "This will be a challenge but I can manage. If somebody asks, I was never here.", I said to Yoko. She just nodded. Then I climbed outside and made my way along the outer wall of the Nevermore-Castle, with the quad right under me. I then found several climbs onto their balcony. I chose the most secure one, since dying is not the way to go here. I panted heavily after the climb. I had never done this before and the chances of me dying were at like 80%. But I didn't gave a single fuck. 

I then texted Enid that I would be there. As I looked inside the window I saw Enid cutely yapping to the door of their room which was not were I was. 'Fuck should've thought of that.' After that I texted her that I was waiting on her balcony. She then quickly turned around and spoke something to Wednesday who quickly walked over to the window and opened the implemented door inviting me inside. "How did you dodge Ms. Thornhill?", Wednesday was quick to ask. "Coin.", I just said. Then Enid walked up to me and enveloped my into a unusually tight hug. I used this chance to breathe in her scent. 'Vanilla and pink glitter as well as strawberry-cake.', I figured. "You smell good Enid. I like your perfume.", I complimented genuine. Enid then got a bit red. "Th-Thank you.", she muttered out. I guess she wasn't used to compliments like that. 
"But why do you want to speak to me. You sounded a bit worried earlier.", she asked concerned. 

"I'm worried about you Enid. Worried about your mental state.", I began. "Why? I'm fine and happy, can't you see?", she quickly cut in. "No, no I can't see. I believe there's something on your mind that bothers you more than you would like.", I continued whilst sitting down on her bed frame. "And what would that be?", she asked me trying to convince me that she was fine. "Enid. You are a bad liar.", I told her completely gambling if there was really something wrong with her. Unlike a storybook author I couldn't see inside others heads. I can't experience their point of view. 

[Enid's POV]
'Did he just ask me that. He couldn't possibly this perfect. Argh I wanna rip myself off. I want to tell him. But I couldn't. I'm sure I would just bother him with my little problems.', I thought.

[Y/N's POV]
"Enid, if you ever think you would be bothering me. Let me tell you: You don't. I'm here for you.", I offered with the softes soothing voice I could do. "Speak to me I'll help you.", then I took her hands into mine. I looked deep into her beautiful blue eyes. "I'll be there with you. Every step of the way. You are not alone. Never. Not as long as I have breath in my body." She just nodded and I could see tears forming into her eyes. "Good. Cry my little Wolf. Let it all out.", I reassured her as I held her smaller body close and stroked her back softly. She then turned to me and said: "You were the first one that ever truly cared. I might be naive for doing this but it just feels so right." That were her words as she leaned in closer to me. Closer and closer. 

I could smell her. Her body scent, her cologne but not her intentions. Why was she so close all of a sudden? I could even feel her warm breath almost steam into my own mouth and nose. But why? So much tension in that moment. Almost too much. 
She then grabbed my face and held my cheeks. I suddenly felt something like comfort. I never felt that way  before, not with any women. And I didn't even know her that well. 'What if this is a mista-', my trail of thoughts was interrupted by a soft pair of lips on mine. 

To say they felt heavenly was an understatement. Like red cherry and soft like a pair of feather-stuffed pillows. Nothing I have ever felt before. A little wet but not too wet, not to dry. It was truly something special.
I never had a kiss before. This was all so special and memorable to me. I will never forget this.

Wednesday however watched with unease.

[Enid Sinclair/Wednesday Addams x Male Reader] Claws and stitches into his heartحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن