[𝟘𝟡] ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕤. [𝕎𝕒𝕪 𝟘𝟚]

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Yes I know what you mean.", I told her. I looked the reflection up and down. Took a step closer. Then again. My tip of the nose was inches away from my own. "What is thou doing?", Goody asked confused. 

"I always flew from my past. I think now it is the time to face it. Once and for all. Be done with it. Be better. You know. In the past I always fought, used violence, was bad. I wish to be like that no more. Not now not never." "But this man.", I pointed at my reflection. "This man lived his way and died his way. His killer somehow knew who he was. A monster. A bad man. A thing to put down. It might've taken them a little effort but in the end they succeeded.", I explained to the angel like girl. 'Maybe this Goody is my guardian angel after all.'

"Y-Yeah. Maybe thats what it takes. M-Maybe that is what needs to be done.", I spoke, my voice starting to shake. "What will thy vanishing one do?", Goody asked carefully, noticing that I was staring down my reflection. "Take a step back.", I ordered her. She complied. 

I then took one back myself, balled my hands into fists and punched. Punched this dead man for all he did, all the pain he caused, all the opportunities he didn't took, the little use he made of his gift. The gift of being alive. 

After that: Nothing. Just the dull, unsuccessful noise of a punch not breaking, or harming anything. The mirror didn't break. Nothing happened. "This isn't impossible. I can break it. I know it.", I told myself. So I hit again. And again. And again. And again. And again. With each punch I got angrier. And angrier. And angrier. And angrier. I never had anger issues. Speaking of anger issues. Someone from Belgium once told me what these were. Restless walking back and forth, gesticulating, muscular tension, tense posture, rigid facial expressions, screaming, insults, threats, clenching your fists, destroying, hitting, kicking etc. of people or objects, sweating, flushing, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, tremors, feeling hot. 

But this doesn't matter now. I never really let my anger control me it was always the other way around, and I was happy for that. "Who let's themselves fall into their anger. What losers.", I stated turning away. I walked towards Goody once more. "Thee young angelic-baroque looking Lady could help me thinking of a way to leave this place.", I told her with a slight hint of irony in my voice. 

"No. Me will no do such a thing.", she spat out. "And why?", I asked in return. "Because, sadly there is no way out of this. Thou and me are trapped.", she told me sounding a little disappointed. "We'll see about that.", I told her. "Is thy wearing his big boy pants today?"

"Violence.", I said with a smile. 

"Thou can not be serious.", Goody replied sternly. "Thou can though.", I snappily replied to her. "Just watch.", I added. I then proceeded to walk up to my reflection again. Literal millimeters in front of my reflection I stood still. 'Why is there a slightly colder breeze coming from the other side? Yes!', I happily thought since now I knew that this was only the illusion of a mirror. I felt my reflections breath as It looked back at me with his dark, bloody holes of eyeballs. Then my hands moved like snakes closer to the man in the mirror. Closer and closer and closer. Then they held him by his forearms. 'What am I feeling. Oh! I feel what I am doing to him. If this was a Wattpad Smut chapter I would fuck myself but the thought weirds me out.', I thought, hoping Goody did not know how to read minds. In this very moment I also felt two hands on my forearms. I felt the scars on his forearms I always hated so badly. These scars didn't come from self harm, don't get me wrong I would never do that. 'I'm afraid Enid will though. I really need to help her. Or at least distract her from this kind of stuff.', shot through my head. 

Then the next step. Goody watched with fascination and confusion at what I was doing. I was feeling my own body up. Real slow, real sincere, real gentle, almost caressing. Then my two hands were located at his neck. They sat snugly and nicely. I even stroked it a little bit, I always liked how that feels. Then I did something I bet not even my reflection would expect. As I ran my hands along my neck. I said one thing.

"The God leaves, the man stays." Then I grasped my reflection's throat and pressed down real hard. 'I hope I don't die aswell.', I desperately hoped. No. I was certainly not dying. At least not now. His subtle but silent grasps for air were really pathetic. I'm sure his head -or what's left of it- spins already, due to the cut off air circulation. 

I could feel it. His heart, once beating lively started to slow down. It clawed it's fingers at my hands uselessly and used it's last breath to scream for help. But no use. It feels life slipping away. I'm sure of it. Small ragged gasps were escaping it's throat. Why show remorse. Why care about his death. Why? Just why? He was useless. 

[Goody Addams' POV]
What is he doing? He seems to hate his reflection. He seems to hate what he has become. But why is his eternal reflection not fighting back? Does it want to die? Maybe it is true. Maybe you can overcome your evil nature. This is beyond interesting. Maybe he will show me a way to fulfill my destiny with Wednesday? Maybe he will?

[Y/N's POV]
My palm against it's throat. Even I could feel it's esophagus closing. My eyes burned with emptiness and anger as it's lungs burn with pain. I'm sure of it. But it still moved. Still somehow was alive. 'Fuck!' "WHY WON'T YOU DIE!", I screamed out with nothing but pure anger. But still containable. 'Maybe this is it.' Then I let go. Not my hands. Not my pathetic attempt of killing myself. No, not this. I let myself go. 

My mind fueled by range stopped strangulating him. I felt my fist get hot. I sudden need to smash someones head into a wall filled my mind up to the brim. I didn't even care that the bright baroque lady was watching the entire time. I just wanted blood in that moment.  My fingers twitched, my heart was racing, my mind was empty. 

Then I grabbed the reflection's head. Spun him around and held his face in front of my own. I placed my right hand onto the left side of his jaw, the left gripped the top of his head from behind. 

"I HATE YOU! I hate you.", my hands still feeling like they were on fire, seemed to move on their own. That's just how ready I was to do this little movement. To do what it takes to be someone else. But instead of anger I felt calmness, a sudden peace inside the firestorm. I focused my mind on it. It just felt so right. 

Then I did it. My reflection was no more. It laid on the woozy ground of this uncertain realm. But Goody looked at me, almost disappointed. 

[Goody Addams' POV]
So it was true after all. He was a monster. A real monster. No Hyde, no Hydra no Yeti could match. Monsters never change. He'll never change. 

[Enid Sinclair/Wednesday Addams x Male Reader] Claws and stitches into his heartWhere stories live. Discover now