[𝟘𝟚] 𝕎𝕖 𝕟𝕖𝕖𝕕 𝕙𝕚𝕞.

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[Y/N's POV] 

I lay in my bed. Thats all I did. And stared at the ceiling. Just thoughts. I got fencing class in a few. I wonder how it goes. I kind of look forward to fight against Enid. I like her. I wonder if she likes me too. On a friendship level I mean. I wouldn't put myself that high. Saying that a girl would like me, on another level than friendship I mean. It's time for some music. I stood up. Walked over to my phone and put in my airpods. I don't know why I have these things or where I got them from. I kinda just had them. My mind feels like a fog. Memories colliding, things becoming unclear. I became unclear. Unclear of my past. Unclear of who I was, who I were and who I have been. I didn't know why I was like this. Life doesn't feel like what it used to be no more. But I'm sure that's just my 2 A.M. personality taking over again. 'I need to get up!', and with that I rose from my bed and moved my body to the door. 

I was about to open it when my ears suddenly could hear a voice talking behind it.

"Nevermore was founded in 1790 to educate people like us.", I heard. Wait I know that voice. That's Enid. "Outcasts, freaks, monsters, fill in your favorite marginalized group here.", she continued. Was she giving another tour? I wonder for who. It's not normal for Nevermore to accept students mid semester. Damn, the fact that they somehow got me in is a wonder. Then another voice lit up the situation. It was also a girl. But less friendly and more serious. "You can save the sanitized sales pitch.", the voice said growing louder along with their steps. They must be walking down my hallway. "I don't plan on staying here for long.", the stern voice added and to my confusion the steps stopped in front of my door. "Thats where he should be.", Enid told the other girl. Then they knocked on my door? Why would they do this? I carefully walked a step backwards from the door. 

Then I opened it. 

"Hello Enid. What are you doing here?", I asked her confused. She just stood there and wiggled around shyly. "I-I just walked by and wa-wanted to say hello. Yeah. Thats all.", she blabbered out getting a little red. Then the other girl walked into my eyesight from behind her. 'Damn she short.', I thought. 

She couldn't be any taller than 5'1. Even tho her shoes pushed her up a little bit. I looked her up from top to bottom. Her hair was pitch black. Pitch black and braided into two pigtails, each one of them resting comfortably on one of her shoulders. Furthermore she wore bangs. They were smoothly combed and looked elaborately made. Very noble. Her face was quite pale but was acquired with a pair of red lips that looked like blood upon the snow. Moreover she had prominent cheekbones. I guess the shadows mixes with the paleness from her face in general did that for her. Also, she wore a black dress on wich black flowers were embroidered all over. Like little stars in our sky. Under that I could figure out a shirt with a buttoned collar in white. She looked very formal and elegant. 

"Enid could we please hurry this along, I don't have all day.", she said pressuring Enid to go. She somehow must've noticed that I was quite confused about the sudden visit by two girls. Wich was correct. I never had a girl in my room, let alone two, otherwise she wouldn't have elaborated the purpose I suppose. "She is supposed to give me a tour but wont shut up about a so-called y/n from Germany. She wanted to visit you. But now her awfully rainbowy personality got replaced by a scared little bunny before I shoot it with my bow.", she morbidly exclaimed. "Hey I just wanted to check on you. Don't mind this Gothic beast next to me. That is just Wednesday.", Enid said pushing Wednesday a bit to the side. "S-So anyways are you settled in?", she asked me in a really, really soft voice. My love deprived heard almost fell in love instantly. Yeah. It kinda leaves a mark on you, when everyone around your age gets girlfriends, gets that romantic teenage experience. And you are the only one that doesn't. You begin to wonder if you are not good enough, not pretty or worthy enough. But fuck them thoughts. Two girls at my door frame, I am up.  
"Yeah, I'm doing great Enid, sweet of you to check up on my. I really appreciate it.", I answered. "But I don't have anything to do right now", I added. That was when Enids face lit up. "You could join us.", she offered excited. 

"Why not. Let's go.", I answered and walked out of the door behind them. "But Enid, don't forget we have fencing class in like half an hour.", I randomly stated. "Shit. I completely forgot.", She answered looking at me worried. "I was about to say something too.", Wednesday threw in. 
"Lets got together then.", I stated. "Yeah, that is a great idea.", she answered. "What about you Wednesday?", I asked turning my attention to the shorter girl. "I guess I can bare it.", she answered bored. "Especially since I have classes with you too, unfortunately.", she furthermore spat out. "Even though I don't think the two of you know how to handle a sword properly.", she added arrogantly. 'She is probably right though.', thought to myself quietly, since I can't remember the last time I held a sword in my hand. But I bet Enid can fight, since she had fencing classes before.

"Off to fencing class we go.", I say as Enid skipped next to me whilst walking down the hallway. 

[Bonus content]
"Enid mentioned you were from Germany.", Wednesday said all of a sudden. "Yeah.", I answered a bit taken back because of her sudden voice revival. "But can you speak it properly?", she asked judging. "It's kinda a hard language, and not everyone's brain capacity can handle it.", she added. "Weil ich kann das nämlich und ich wette du kannst es nicht.", she tried to flex in german. 'Was she trying to impress me?' But it didn't work on me since her pronunciation was absolutely not on point. I understood what she was trying to tell me though. "Dann schieb mal deinen scheiß Wetteinsatz rüber zu mir du Emo-Mädchen.", I answered back. She just looked at me baffled. 'Damn. She did not expect that.' During our whole conversation I could make out Enid looking at us kind of uncomfortable. 'Was she jealous? Or does she just want attention?' 

[Enid's POV]
I didn't want to admit it, but him talking to Wednesday somehow bothered me more than I would expect. I wanted him to spend time with me. 'Enid calm down you just met him a day ago. Get your shit together girl. He probably doesn't even like you. Nobody does.', after that I stopped myself from these self destructive thoughts since I had to keep up my happy appearance or otherwise I had the feeling of bothering others with my silly problems. I never talked to anyone about them. And that is good. I would just be a bother, and I definitely didn't want that. 'Everything is fine Enid. You are happy and energetic.', I thought as we arrived at the training room.

[Enid Sinclair/Wednesday Addams x Male Reader] Claws and stitches into his heartWhere stories live. Discover now