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When Aurelia made it to Pan's camp she was pleasantly surprised that he wasn't there

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When Aurelia made it to Pan's camp she was pleasantly surprised that he wasn't there. Instead, she was met by the Lost Boy that followed him the closest and was the most loyal to him. Felix.

"Aurelia. I don't remember Pan asking you to pay us a visit" he smirked. "He didn't. But he did say I was welcome to some of your provisions. Tink and I are running low" she told him.

"Fine. But be quick" he said. Aurelia nodded, brushing past him as she walked through the tent. Henry wasn't hard to spot. He was the only one not wearing the robes that all the other Lost Boys were.

Checking that Felix wasn't watching her she walked over to him, clearing her throat to get his attention.

"Who are you?" he asked, looking up at the first adult he had seen in days. "I'm Aurelia. You saw me the other day when I was hear mending one the boys arms" she told him.

"You're an adult," he said, confused about how she was on the island. Nodding, Aurelia leaned down next to him. "Pan kidnapped me a long time ago. Just like he did you. But I have good news. I've seen your mom" she told him.


"She's here. Well your whole family is. They're working on a plan to rescue you. They wanted to me to tell you, so you wouldn't lose hope" she said.

"How do I know you're not lying?" he asked, there was something about her that made him want to trust her but he couldn't be too careful.

"Because....because I'm your family too. Your grandfather, David. Turns out he's my brother. Which would make you -"

"Your nephew," Henry said.

"Well, grand nephew which is a testimate to how long I've been here" she laughed, she turned around hearing the boys scramble as a sign Pan was coming back.

"I should go. But remember that your mom is coming to save you. So don't give up hope" she said.

Henry nodded as Aurelia gave him a brief hug before leaving the camp.

When Aurelia got back to the camp only Emma, Regina, and Mary Margaret were there.

"Did you find Henry? How is he?" Emma asked.

"I did. And he's fine. I told him your all here looking for him and he misses you. But he hasn't given up hope" she told them.

"Thank god he's alright," Regina said.

"Where's David and Hook?" Aurelia asked.

"They should be back soon. They went to find a-"

Mary Margaret was cut off by the sound of rustling in the trees behind them.

Emma and Mary Margaret pulled out their swords while Regina held a fireball in her hand that Aurelia was not expecting.

"You can stand down," David said as he and Hook walked out of the brush. "It's us."

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