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When Hook and Aurelia arrived at the hospital, everyone was in absolute shambles. When David saw her walk in she grabbed her in his arms.

"Aurelia! You're okay. You..." he trailed off, looking at her hair, now much shorter and no longer its golden brown color. "What happened?"

"It's okay! I was kidnapped by Gothel but then Hook showed him and she tried to kill him. But I saved him, I think, I still don't know how that worked. But he saved my life! What happened here?" she rushed out.

"Zelena took the baby," Emma said. "What? When?" she asked. "Just now. If we hurry, we might be able to stop her" David said.

"Then what are waiting for? Let's go" Aurelia said and everyone followed as they all rushed out of the hospital.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Arriving at the barn at the back of the farmhouse, Zelena had already begun her spell. Gold stood there, unable to stop her as all of the ingredients she needed were placed on different spots of a carving in the ground, including the Charming's new baby.

Zelena looked at Gold and smiled. "Don't worry, dearie. Once this is over you won't remember a thing."

"It isn't over yet," David said, as they all walked in. "And who's gonna stop me? Certainly not the savior" Zelana smirked, looking at Emma.

"We're not going to let you succeed," Emma said.

Zelena turned to Gold. "Rid me of those pests," she said, using her magic to toss David and Regina aside.

Hook looked at Gold, his sword pointed at him. "You don't want to do this, mate," he said.

"Get the dagger, than the dark one will be on your side," Gold said, tossing Hook's sword away. "That's easier said than done" Aurelia huffed.

"Do as I say, or I will destroy you both. I have no choice" Gold said, tossing them back into a pile of hay.

Zelena looked at Emma and smirked. "I already told you. I don't dance with amateurs."

"Good thing I only came for some jewelry," Emma said, trying to take Zelena's necklace that was tied to her powers. But Zelena held out her hand, lifting Emma up as she slowly squeezed her airway.

Emma struggled in her grip as it became hard to breathe. "I heard you could barely light a candle. And now you think you can beat me?" Zelena asked.

"Oh, I can do so much more than that" Emma choked out, holding up her hands as a blast of white magic shot out, knocking Zelena to the ground, dropping the dagger as she did.

Emma walked over to Zelena who stared up at her in shock. "How?"

"I had a good teacher," Emma said, snatching the jewel from around her neck, and taking Zelena's powers with it. David sighed in relief as he ran over to his son.

Before he could reach him, a flying monkey screeched at them from its perch atop the barn. It swooped down, heading toward the baby.

Being closest to him, Aurelia didn't think before she reacted, grabbing him and holding him to her chest. She turned her back, waiting for the claws she was sure to feel of the creature slashing into her back.

But when nothing happened she turned around and sighed in relief as Little John stood there, seconds away from trying to kill her before he was turned back. David ran over, taking his son from her arms as Hook helped Aurelia stand.

"David, the baby. Is she okay?" Emma asked. "Yeah. You saved his life" David said, looking at his sister. "Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me," she said, smiling at her nephew. Regina walked over to her sister, taking the jewel from Emma. "You failed" she smirked. "You're not going anywhere."

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