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Following the will of the wisp was a lot easier said than done

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Following the will of the wisp was a lot easier said than done. Given the fact that Aurelia was running through thick greenery in a floor-length dress all while being the most uncoordinated person on the planet, she thought she'd never catch it.

Before she could even reach for it, someone ran past her, grabbing the wisp and shoving it into their bag.

"No, wait! I need that!" Aurelia shouted as she ran after them. "Wait! Stop!"

Without meaning too, she held the person back with her magic and sent them flying to the ground. "Oh no," she mumbled, running over.

Before she could get closer, the person shot up and held a bow and arrow up to her. It was a girl, with long bright red curly hair.

"Back off, lassie," she said in a thick Scottish accent. "My aim is true. Don't test me."

"I didn't mean to hurt you. I swear" Aurelia said.

"So that was just a wee magical love tap? Oh I've met my share of witches. I know one when I see one, witch" the girl said.

"I'm not a witch. I just...I was cursed. With dark magic. I'm trying to get rid of it. But I need that wisp" Aurelia told her.

"You want to be rid of it?" the girl asked.

"More than anything," Aurelia said, feeling the darkness tugging on her soul.

The girl nodded and put down her arrow. "Aye. I know what that's like. It's a terrible fate to be cursed. Just be glad you're not a bear" she said.

"A bear?"

"Oh, nevermind. Look, I wish I could help you. But I need the wisp too, for my kingdom, for my family. So, I'm afraid you're gonna have to fight me for it" the girl said, dropping her bow as she held up her fist.


"I'm willing to fight fair, if you are. No magic" she said.

"I like her spunk," Rumple said as he appeared next to her. "Break her neck!"

"No, I'm not going to fight you. I've never fought anyone. I mean, I hit my boyfriend over the head once when we first met. At least I think he's my boyfriend because now that I think about it he's never really asked but that's...that's not important right now" Aurelia sighed. "The point is magic or no magic, fighting is giving into the darkness and I won't do it. Just take the wisp."

"Don't be trying to sucker punch me" the girl said, still in a fighting stance.

"I'm not. I swear. You found it, fair and square. Just take it" Aurelia said.

The girl relaxed, putting her fist down. "Thank you. I'm Merida."

"Aurelia. Most people call me Lia" she said.

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