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。゚☆: * enchanted forest 。゚☆: * one year ago

Everyone looked around, in shock and fear at the creature that had just attacked them. "What the hell was that thing?" David asked.

"The same kind of monster that attacked us on our journey here," Snow said. "If I didn't know better, I'd say it looked an awful lot like a monkey," Grumpy said.

"A monkey with wings? Please don't tell me that's a thing now here" Aurelia sighed.

"Yes. That's exactly what it is" Regina sneered. "And that's normal?" Aurelia asked.

"It is," Belle said. "But not here. There's only one land that has creatures like that. I've read about it. Oz."

"Oz? That's a real place?" Snow asked. "The bookworm's right. It's quite real. And if our simian friend is any indication, then I think we know exactly who's taking up residence in our castle" Regina said. "The Wicked Witch."

"Are we talking East or West?" Grumpy asked. "Why does that matter?" Aurelia asked.

"One you drop a house on. The other you toss a bucket of water at" he told her.

Ignoring them, David turned to Regina. "So what exactly are we up against, besides green skin and a pointy hat? What did you do to her?" he asked.

"This time? Nothing. Never met her" Regina said. "This isn't a personal vendetta? Shocking" David said. "Okay, then. Oz aside, we stick to the original plan. Arm up. Then attack. Assuming you can get the shield down."

"You don't need to worry about me," Regina said. "I'm coming with you," Snow said but Regina stopped her.

"No. This is a one-woman job" she said. "Against the Wicked Witch? She has flying monkeys, who knows what else" Snow said.

"I don't care if the Lollipop Guild is protecting her. I can lower that shield on my own" Regina said.

"Then we'll be waiting for you on the other side," Snow said, as Regina walked off.

。゚☆: * storybrooke 。゚☆: * present

"I'm really sorry about your ship," Aurelia said as she and Hook walked through the woods the next day checking to see if anyone had turned up overnight.

"It's alright. I'm sure she'll turn up" he said, walking beside her. "Of course, she will. This time I'll help you find her" she told him.

"You would do that?" he asked. "Of course I would," she said, looking up at him. "We're friends. But I'm glad you're back. One thing I do remember is that you owe me ice cream."

"I do, don't I" he laughed, before noticing the brown strand of hair cascading down her shoulder. "What happened?" he asked, gently brushing it with his fingers.

"I'm not sure. It was like that when I woke up here. I've never cut it before but I'm guessing this is what would happen if I did" she shrugged, suddenly taking notice of how close they were.

She grew flustered as her heartbeat sped up. Her brain was only able to focus on the fact that he smelled really good. Like the ocean. Did he always smell like that? Was it weird to notice how he smelled? Was she making it weird by not talking for so long?

Suddenly a scream broke her out of her inner ramble, and although she was grateful for it she was worried about where that scream had come from.

"We should go see who that was," Hook said. Aurelia nodded as she raced after him toward the noise. They found a group of men near the town line, screaming for someone named Little John.

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