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"David. You need to calm down" Mary Margaret sighed.

"I am going to kill him," David said, shaking his head.

"They're just sleeping" Emma laughed, pouring herself a coffee.

"What is he even doing here?" David said, the level of his voice stirring them awake.

Aurelia let out a small groan as she slowly sat up. She looked around confused when she realized she wasn't in her bedroom.

Seeing an arm wrapped around her waist, clad in leather she panicked as she tried to roll over but fell off the couch, landing on the floor with a huff.

Hearing all the racket around him Hook woke up looking around to see David glaring at him and Aurelia picking herself up on the floor.

"Good morning" Mary Margaret smiled. "Morning" Aurelia mumbled, embarrassed.

"So, Hook, you slept over?" Emma asked. "We were watching the television and fell asleep," he said, rolling his eyes at the family who was eyeing him up and down.

"God, I don't even remember falling asleep," Aurelia said, feeling like she wanted to crawl into a hole.

"Well it's probably because I'm so comfortable" Hook smirked as Aurelia let out a small laugh.

"Alright, well maybe you should get going," David said to him.

"Yes, perhaps I shall," he said, standing up. "Thanks. By the way. For checking on me" Aurelia said to him.

"Anytime Goldie," Hook said before leaning closer to whisper in her ear. "I think you're brother wants me dead."

She let out a small laugh before he walked through the door, closing it behind him.

When Aurelia turned around, she blushed as everyone was staring at her.

"What?" she asked.

"Would you like to explain why we found you and Hook...cuddled on the couch?" David asked.

"We were not cuddled! He came over to check on me and we watched tv until we fell asleep" she told him.

"He couldn't come over in the morning?" David asked.

Flustered she shook her head. "I'm gonna take a shower," she said, rushing upstairs.

David looked at Emma and Mary Margaret who were just laughing at him.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing," Mary Margaret said, shaking her hand. "Yeah, why don't we, uh, get started on putting together that crib," Emma said, trying and failing to hide her smile.

By the time Aurelia came back downstairs, Regina was also there.

"So, did it work? You were able to put up a protection spell?" David asked.

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