097 : the end

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"Not to be a complete downer here because that is not at all my thing but this smells, really, really horrible

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"Not to be a complete downer here because that is not at all my thing but this smells, really, really horrible. What is it?" Aurelia asked, pinching her nose closed but it wasn't really helping.

"A dragon egg that never hatched, and the dragon breath trapped inside is potent medicine indeed," Gold said.

"And that's how you wake up Blue?" Killian asked. "With a dead baby dragon?"

"That's horrible," Aurelia said, willing herself not to cry as Killian pulled her into his side, rubbing circles over her back.

"Well I seem to recall you know someone with very powerful healing magic but she's not here is she?" Gold asked.

"Cordelia's still an infant. She's not a walking bottle of penicillin" Killian said.

"Then dead baby dragon it is," Gold said as he cracked the top of the egg open. They all watched as the breath from the egg emerged as dark green smoke wafted over to Blue. As she inhaled the dragon's breath, her chest heaved as she took a deep breath but nothing happened.

For a moment they thought it didn't work but soon enough, Blue opened her eyes and Snow sat next to her, trying to provide some comfort as she woke up.

"Hey. Tiger Lily gave me half this wand. We need the other half. Have you seen it?" Killian asked. "Where it is?"

"Hey," Aurelia said, pulling him back. "It'll be okay. We should give her a minute, she just woke up."

Blue looked over at them and tried to speak, her voice rough and scratchy. "The wand is...it's at the center of Storybrooke."

"That's enough of that," Snow said, wrapping a hand around Blue's throat. "We don't need you sharing all your secrets."

"Mom, what are you doing?" Emma asked.

Snow turned around and smiled, the voice coming out not matching her own. "Oh, I'm not your mother Emma. I'm his" she said as she removed the glamour spell and revealed herself to be the Black Fairy. "Now back away, all of you. Fairies have such delicate necks."

"You should listen to her. Father" David said, as he revealed himself to be Gideon. "She always makes good on her promises."

Killian pulled out his sword and held it to Gideon's throat.

"And what about the promise of a mother to a son?" Gold said, gesturing for Killian to lower his weapon.

"Be careful of your emotions, Rumple. They run strongly in our family. As Blue's about to find out" the Black Fairy said before she disappeared into a cloud of black smoke and took Blue with her.

"I'm sorry I had to do this, Father. Goodbye," Gideon said about to leave when Gold slapped a magic-blocking cuff over his arm.

"I'm afraid your magic is no longer any use to you," Gold said. "It's time to get your heart back."

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