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After Emma and Aurelia chased after the author, David, Mary Margaret followed them out

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After Emma and Aurelia chased after the author, David, Mary Margaret followed them out. "The author, where is he?" David asked.

"We lost him" Emma sighed.

"We know him," Mary Margaret said.


"We met him a long time ago before you were born. He, um-"

"Manipulated us," David said. "It's because of him we were put on the path to causing Maleficent to lose her child."

"It's true" Mary Margaret sighed.

"No, what's true is no matter how you were manipulated, you still did what you did and you lied to me about it. You've been lying to me about everything. About you, about me, about-"

"That's not the case. It's one incident from out past" David said.

"David you cursed a baby. That's not just an incident" Aurelia said.

"Well, we've changed," Mary Margaret said.

"I am only the savior because you altered the entire state of my being at the expense of someone's else's soul" Emma cried.

"You're right. What we did, it was wrong. But we didn't fully understand what we were doing. We acted out of fear. We're only human" David said.

"Yeah, well, right now, I don't care. But none of that matters now. We have to find that author before Gold does. Lia, come on" Emma said.

Aurelia spared her brother a sorry look but headed off with Emma to continue searching for the author. She even called in Killian to help them look but after looking all night, they found nothing.

As they headed back to the loft, they were almost certain Gold must've found him. "You have to remember something else about the author. Some way to find him. Now think" Emma snapped.

"We told you everything we know," David said.

"Are we sure about that? Because secrets just keep coming out" Emma said.

"Okay. You're clearly still upset" Mary Margaret sighed.

"Yes. I am still upset. You were the ones who taught me there is always a right way. A heroric way. And what you did to Maleficent's child-"

"Emma, maybe we should take a second. We could go to Granny's, get a hot chocolate, or in your case probably something stronger" Aurelia said, all of the arguing leaving her a bit frazzled.

"Emma, it was our only option to make sure you grew up good," David said.

"David, I really don't think trying to justify it is helping the situation," Aurelia said.

"Aurelia, no offense, but this isn't any of your business" David snapped.

Aurelia stepped back, taking a deep breath as she forced herself not to cry. David sighed, instantly regretting snapping at her.

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