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Aurelia didn't know what to expect as they sailed into the Underworld

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Aurelia didn't know what to expect as they sailed into the Underworld. Maybe fire and lots of screaming. She thought maybe it'd look dark and dreadful. Heads on pitchforks maybe.

And while the perpetual red sky was daunting it wasn't the most chilling part. For some reason, the Underworld looked exactly like Storybrooke. Well, Storybrooke if a tornado had run through it.

The clock tower was destroyed, with the actual clock part crashed into the ground. Most of the shops and businesses were boarded up and people walked up and down the street aimlessly like they really had nowhere to go.

Although, in retrospect, they probably didn't.

"I don't think we're in Maine anymore," Regina said, as they all looked around.

"How is this even possible? Why does the Underworld look like Storybrooke?" Emma asked.

"Your questions are pointless. All that matters is that all these people in this Underworld are dead and trapped because they have unfinished business" Gold said.

Hearing a car engine roar in the distance, Aurelia looked up and gasped. "Oh my god" she mumbled. "Cruella's here."

"That's right. And she's here because of you" Gold said. "And I imagine there are many here because of all of us. Let's not lollygag."

"Maybe we should split up. The sooner we find Killian the sooner we can get out here. This place gives me the creeps" Aurelia said.

"Good idea. I'll come with you, we can start at Granny's" Mary Margaret said. Aurelia nodded as everyone split up and they headed toward the diner.

Walking in, both of them froze as they looked around. Not only was the whole place dark and dingy but the people working in the kitchen didn't give off the same family-friendly vibes they were used to.

The two looked at each other before walking up to the counter. The woman who was working there, polishing glasses stopped and closed her eyes as she began sniffing the air.

"Is that...I know you" she said. "Aren't you Snow White?"

"You can smell her?" Aurelia asked.

"Oh, yes. It's a gift. But you" the woman said, sniffing the air. "You I don't know."

"Oh, hi! I'm Aurelia" she said, holding out her hand but quickly realized the woman couldn't see her.

"Right! Uh, well, what can I get you? Do you like gingerbread? Or children? Kidding, but the gingerbread's actually not bad" the woman said.

"Um, no thank you," Aurelia said, glancing at Mary Margaret. "We're actually looking for someone. Maybe you can help. He would've gotten here recently. Dark hair, hook for a hand, really pretty blue eyes, super nice once you get to know him-"

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