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It had been nearly two months since the night they defeated the Snow Queen

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It had been nearly two months since the night they defeated the Snow Queen. And to everyone's surprise, it had been a very peaceful two months. Probably for one real reason. Gold was gone.

Once Belle knew he had given her a fake dagger, and lied to her numerous times, she had enough. And with the dagger, she forced him to leave town. Leaving him stuck outside of Storybrooke, with no magic. With nothing really.

Regina had also been busy. That same night, Henry found something amazing in the abandoned mansion where the Arendelle portal had been.

A library of empty books, just like the one his storybook was written in. Which meant that the mansion had to belong to the author of the book. And hopefully, they could figure out who it is and convince him to write Regina a happy ending.

Aurelia had made herself busy helping Killian and Belle. They had been working on a way to get the fairies out of the magical hat. Killian had been restless, beating himself up over the fact that he put them there.

They were working out of the library and he stared at a board they had set up, posted with clues that would hopefully lead to figuring out a way to release them. Frustrated, he knocked the board to the ground, hating that they weren't getting any closer to figuring it out.

"Well, I see you still have your temper" Belle sighed.

"Six weeks and nothing. They're still trapped inside that bloody hat!" he exclaimed.

"Look we just have to keep at it, okay? But we will find a spell to release the fairies. I mean, these translations are difficult" Belle said, gesturing to the books in front of her, "but I've reached out to some of the finest minds in the world and one of them will get back to us, I know it."

Both of them looked up as the door opened, the shutters on the window clanging as it did. "Good morning!" Aurelia cheered, holding a box of donuts in one hand and a tray of coffees in the other. Although one of them was hot chocolate, for her.

"I have great news," she said as she set everything down.

"You figured out a way to get the fairies out of the hat?" Killian asked.

"Oh. Um, no. Okay, maybe not great news but definitely good news" Aurelia said, as she opened the box of donuts. "They're cinnamon sugar! And Granny hates making them because she says the cinnamon gets all over her kitchen and is impossible to clean up but I asked nicely and she made us some. I mean I also had to pay extra but I think asking nicely also helped."

Belle laughed as she walked over and took one. "Thank you" she smiled.

"Anytime," Aurelia said before looking at Killian who was still staring at the bored. Taking the coffee she got for him she walked over to him.

"For you" she said. He sighed as she took it but still gave her a greatful thank you. "We'll get them out. I know we will" she said, knowing how upset he'd been about the whole thing.

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