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[Jacob POV]

When we got home, Luca just wanted to lay down. I couldn't blame him. But, he started looking for something when we got to the bedroom.
"Baby, what are you looking for?" I asked as he got on his knees to look under the bed.
"He's all gone," Luca whined, starting to cry again. I sighed and sat down on the bed, encouraging him to come cuddle me instead.
"Baby, you know Jupiter's missing," I reminded him. I didn't get an answer, though. He might've not even heard what I said.
"Papa... why don't she like me?" He asked, his voice cracking as he climbed into my lap. I decided to keep away from saying something like, 'she just doesn't want any kids, baby. There's not anything to do about it since it's not you. It's just any child she would've had,' and tried to keep it more like 'I don't know Bubs. But I'm sure it nothing that's your fault,'.

"What did she ask for?" I questioned. I'd never figured out what she was asking, and that would probably be helpful.
"Momma wants me to meet up with my dad... said he'd give her money to see me.." He explained, giving me a horrible gut feeling. I have no clue what his dad would be planning with him, but it's got to be sketchy just from the fact he'd pay to see his kid. Recently 21 kid.
"And she always needs money. Normally for her pills,"
"I'm proud of you for telling her no," I praised him, wrapping my arms around his waist.
"Really?" He cried, looking up at me with his big, hazel green eyes.
"Aw, baby. Of course I am. I'm glad you can stand up for yourself when you need to," I told him, giving him a little smile. He grinned and held onto me closer, starting to teeth on my shoulder.

He took a nap for a couple of hours, and I napped with him. I actually woke up before him, and he was starfish-ed across the bed. His right leg was stretched towards the wall, his left one the direct opposite way but bent at the knee, then his left arm across my chest. I tried not to disturb him and wake him up, so I gently bent his arm closer to his body. But when he woke up, he was non-verbal and clingy. Which, actually, isn't that different than normal.

I heard him softly whine in the bedroom, so I figured he was awake and went to go get him.
"Sleeping beauty is finally up," I joked, reaching my arms for him. He put up his arms so I could hold him, starting to bite me. I really do think he has an oral fixation. Which sounds really dirty, but it's not. It's just chewing and biting stuff constantly. He again demonstrated this when I gave him markers. First, it was the caps, so I took the caps away. Then it was the tip of the marker, which got ink all over his mouth.
"Ewww," He whined, spitting it out. I hopped up and got a paper towel to wipe off his tongue and teeth. Which mostly worked.

"Yeah, that's icky, ain't it?" I asked, getting a little 'yeah'.
"Papa! Icky..." He complained, crawling into my lap and pouting.
"Aw, Cutie. Need me to kiss it all better?" I asked, in a somewhat patronizing way.
"Kiss it," He said, leaning in a bit closer to me. I pecked his lips before he climbed off my lap.
"Shower..." He said, grabbing my hand. I sighed and got up. I probably should take one anyway, so I don't mind taking it with him. So I did. And half way through, there was a knock at the door. I rinsed my body off and told Luca to finish whenever he was done. I grabbed my towel, very quickly wiping off my legs before wrapping it around my waist. I didn't trust it on its own, so I held it together myself as well.

When I opened the door, it was Luca's friend and neighbor, Karmin.
"Um, hi?" I asked, unsure why this dude's standing outside my door.
"Some guy is downstairs and was asking for you," He informed me, making me mentally groan and just say okay. He awkwardly ran upstairs to his own apartment as I shut my door to put pants on. I had an extremely distinct feeling that it was Kayden.
"Dady!" Luca giggled, running over to me. His hair was still dripping wet, and he only had pajama pants on.
"Baby! You get dressed all by yourself?" I asked, grabbing a pair of sweats from the basket of clean but unfolded laundry. I grabbed a hoodie of mine and told him to put it on as I slid on my shoes. It felt criminal to put them on without socks.
"What doing?" He asked, reaching up for me as I opened the front door again. I kissed his face but didn't pick him up.
"Stay up here, Babe. I'm gonna go talk to someone downstairs, okay?" I said, which made him a little disappointed. But he nodded anyway.

[Luca POV]
Dady went to go 'talk to someone downstairs' and told me to stay in the apartment, so I did. I paced around the whole apartment like 12 times and was getting to be bored out of my mind. I was, admittedly, starting to whine to myself that he wasn't back yet. And when he eventually did come back, I don't think he liked that. When he got back, he asked if I wanted dinner.
"No." I shortly replied, flopping myself down on the couch.
"Do not start throwing a fit," He sternly told me, sliding off his tennis shoes. He made himself something to eat and ate in the living room at the coffee table, so I was right behind him. I leaned half my body off the couch and gently teethed on his shoulder.
"Baby, you've got a teether for that," He reminded me.
"No! Bite Dady," I whined, making him sigh and push me away from him.
"That was right in my ear," He mumbled to himself as I laid back down. I want cuddles, but I put Dady in a bad mood. So now I can't have them. And I didn't get them when he went to bed either.

Long story short, I didn't sleep. I don't know why, but I didn't at all feel tired. Maybe it's cause Dady didn't get me ready for bed like normal? I have no idea. I didn't lay down, though. I watched movies, drew a few pictures, and spent countless hours on my phone. I actually aterted to feel sick after too long staring at my screen, so I had to put it down. I don't know the reason behind that. But, I do know that I was still awake at 7:30 when his alarm rang for him to wake up. I hadn't felt sleepy yet, so I stayed in the living room up until he walked in for his shoes.
"Did you wake up early?" He asked, slipping them on over his socks.
"No, I didn't go to sleep," I answered casually. I didn't think much about my answer; I figured he would want me to be honest, but I guess he didn't.

"Why the hell would you stay up all night and then tell me to make me feel bad?" He asked, suddenly upset.
"I-I wasn't.." I weakly defended myself, rubbing my upper arm. I wish I had Jupiter still...
"Whatever, I'm going to work. If you feel like sleeping, lock the door before you do," He told me, a look on his face U couldn't place. Maybe just mad? I don't know. But, maybe after work he won't be mad no more. After all, I jus couldn't sleep.

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