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[Luca POV]

He sorta was. He kinda was in a better mood. He was upset when he got back from work, but then wanted cuddles and stuff. When he came home and I hadn't felt tired still. I don't know how, though. I never even get through the day without a nap on my regular sleep schedule. Maybe I was just too anxious for when he got off work.

"Did you sleep?" He asked as he slid off his shoes.
"Ya," I mumbled after he sat down next to me. I know I'm lying, but he got mad when I said I didn't this morning. Maybe he just wants me to say I did?
"Baby, I can tell you're still sleepy," He said, scooting closer to me. I didn't respond. I don't know how.
"Aw cutie, lay with me. Do you need cuddles to fall asleep?" He softly asked, picking me up and carrying me to the bedroom.
"Ya.." I whined, holding onto his shirt.
"Just let me get my jeans off," He mumbled as he laid me down.
"Dadyyy, need kiss," I informed Dady. Not as a 'give me it right now' thing, but more as a 'just so you remember to give me' thing.
"Oh, I know you do. My baby just always needs my lovies, huh?" He asked, fake pouting at me. I nodded and reached for him the second he had his pants off.

He lay down with me, running his hands through my hair and starting to braid it loosely.
"I wish my momma did this..." I softly whispered to myself. I didn't even mean to say it outloud, but I guess I did.
"Bubba, I know you do... But if she doesn't want to be affectionate, then there isn't anything you can do to make her.
"Why doesn't she like me..?" I asked, sniffling.
"I don't know, hun. It wasn't anything you did," He reassured me. I don't know about that. Maybe it was something I did when I was little?
"You smell really good. Did you do anything different?" He randomly asked as I was mid thought. I hadn't, though. Even if I had, I didn't remember.
"Nuh uh," I mumbled, resting my head on his chest. Out of nowhere, sleepiness hit me like a truck. I didn't feel like I couldn't move, and if Jacob had stopped talking for more than a second, I'd half fall asleep. It only took another 2 minutes to pass out.

The instant I woke up, Dady made me eat something. But I really didn't wanna. I just want my juice.
"Bubba, you've been up for over an hour. You need to eat something," He told me, making me pout. Okay, maybe it wasn't right after I woke up, but I still didn't want to.
"Nuuuuu," I whined. Dady didn't seem to notice how upset I was, but I don't even know why I'm upset. So I doubt it matters.
"Baby, just eat it," He told me after making something for me to eat. I really just wanted juice, but Dady won't let me just have juice.
"No eat it," I whined, really slouching down in my chair.
"Sit up, right. It's just a hot pocket, baby. I'll even eat with you," He offered, setting it in front of me. I scooted back up to sit on my butt, but I wasn't happy about it.
"Mtay..." I whispered, laying my head down and poking at my dinner. I tentively took a bite, hoping it wasn't too hot.

After I started eating it, I wasn't that upset anymore. It wasn't bad at all, and Dady was sitting next to me while I did it. He talked 'bout work and the people there and how much he missed me.
"I almost called on my break, but if you were sleeping, I didn't wanna wake you," He explained, making me frown a little. I would've been fine if Dady called, but I'm happy he didn't wanna wake me. I finished eating and let Dady throw my plate away after he told me to hand it to him.
"You did such a good job, Baby," He praised me, pulling me onto his lap. I silently laid on him for a while. I clung onto him until I remembered I wanted my juice.
"Sippy?" I softly asked, looking up at him.
"You want Dady to get you juice?" He asked, setting me in the table as he stood up. I didn't want him to let go of me, but I guess if he's getting me juice, then he has to set me down.

"Ya," I slurred, kicking my legs. As he was filling my sippy, there was a knock on the door. Obviously, I slid off the table and ran over to check the peep hole as Dady set down everything in his hands to follow me. It was just Karmin, so I flug the door open and looked at him, waiting for him to say something.
"Do you wanna go do something fun?" He vaguely asked.
"Likeeee?" I asked, leaning against the door.
"The movie 'bout those 2 teen girls that get kidnapped or whatever. One of them is named Megan, I think. But, my friend bailed on me and gave me money for the tickets since she promised she'd go with me for weeks," He explained, looking desperate for me to say yes. I looked over at Jacob, waiting for his approval.

"If you wanna go, you can go. I can go get groceries while you're gone," He permitted, making me smile big. I know it's gonna be horror, but I actually really like horror stuff. A lot of people are super surprised when I mention it, but I think most of the plot is pretty good if you can get past the jump scares.
"I'll go. What time?" I asked, scratching my head. I should probably get dressed if I'm gonna go out.
"Well, we gotta leave in 17 minutes if we wanna get there on time," He explained cautiously.
"C'mere. I gotta get changed," I said, grabbing his hand and dragging him to the bedroom so I could dig for clothes.
"What do you think I should wear?" I asked, starting to look through my half of the dresser.

We ended up choosing shorts and an oversized T-shirt since it was comfy, appropriate for the weather, and socially acceptable.
"Bye-bye, love you," I said to Jacob as I left. He kissed my cheek and shut the door behind us, so I followed him to his car. As Karmin drove, he gave me a run down of what the movie was. Just to make sure I wouldn't be super freaked out.
"Okay. So, these two girls are friends, but they're like polar opposites. Ones got good parents, good grades, but not a lot of friends, and her friend (Megan) is the exact opposite. But, they're really close. And this guy starts talking to Megan, ends up abducting her, and then takes the friend too because he's paranoid that she'll tell." He efficently explained.
"Is that gonna freak you out? We can watch something else, I didn't buy them or anything yet," He offered, making me shake my head. While I wasn't crazy about seeing this movie anymore, I didn't wanna ruin Karmins excitement. He's paying for me to go anyway, so why would I get a say in what we watch?
"Mkay," He said, shrugging after he parked him car. I hopped out and followed him inside, letting him do all the talking.

We only waited a few minutes before going in and sitting somewhere. I followed Karmin. I really didn't wanna pick myself, so I sat next to him. Overall, the movie was good. But, the way the movie was filmed was almost like a home tape of Megan's friend being kidnapped and everything that happened during it. This Meaning, it showed everything without censorship or cut aways or interruptions. So, they showed her getting raped... The kidnapper set the camera on the table while it was filming and videotaped him raping the girl, but you could only see her. I hated that part. I really did. I had to cover my ears and shut my eyes for a while. Karmin held his hands on top of mine so that I definitely couldn't hear it and only looked again when he pulled his hands away. I assumed he let go cause that part was over.

There was another scene where it showed Megan's dead body, and I couldn't get it out of my mind when I closed my eyes. In this scene, the kidnapper was telling the friend (whose name you learn is Amy) that he'd let her go home if she got in a barrel so he couldn't see where she left from. This was so she couldn't tell the cops where she was being held. But, inside the barrel was Megan's completely dead body, covered in blood, and only in underwear. Everyone calls this 'the barrel scene'. This movie was scary, but not in a thriller, jumpscare way. More psychological horror. At the very end, he buried her alive in the same barrel as her best friends dead and rotting body. I felt sick. I wanted Dady. I wanted to forget this movie. I wanted to pretend I never saw it. But after we left and got in Karmin's car, I was crazy paranoid. I felt anxious and scared and sick and sad and just about any other upset emotion you could possibly feel. I made Karmin walk behind me up the stairs and still looked behind me constantly as I race-walked up them. The car Dady was borrowing was in the parking lot, so I figured he was home.

"Hold," I mumbled, reaching for Karmin's hand as I knocked.
"Dady!" I cried, clinging onto him as soon as he opened the door. Before he even said anything, he picked me up and held me close.
"Was it bad?" He asked past me, but I didn't mind. I don't wanna think bout the movie. It makes me spiral.. I think 'bout Megan, then about Amy, then about Kayden doing that to me, and it freaks me out.
"Yeah. I mean, the way it was shot was as if it's like "found footage" or "home tapes" that the guy himself took, so it feels super real. Y'know? Like, I didn't feel like a movie," He explained, getting a little sigh from Dady.
"Well, thank you for letting me get the groceries bought," Dady said, giving little laugh.
"Yeah, course. Just tell me if you need me to take him off your hands again sometime. I'll see y'all later," Karmin said as Papa closed the door.

"Did it freak you out?" He asked, sitting down on the couch with me. I nodded and held him as close to my body as I physically could.
"I'm here, Baby. Shhh... I promise. Nothing'a gonna hurt you," He told me quietly.
"Hate it. Papa, I hate it," I cried.
"I know, Bubba. I looked up a part of it, and it was pretty bad," He agreed, kissing my head.
"Papa!" I cried every so often, hanging onto him the whole night.
"No! No, no, no dark," I begged as soon as Dady laid me down.
"Baby, let me get your night light on..." He softly consoled me. He did, and I felt partially better, but not completely. I only fell asleep because I hadn't gotten any rest for 30 or so hours. I don't think I would've been able to if I hadn't felt so exhausted. That didn't stop the nightmares, though.

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