.•.The beginning or the end P.1.•.

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• The Cullens had been back in Forks for the last two years

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.• The Cullens had been back in Forks for the last two years. It had been pretty uneventful at this point. The kids spent most at their time in school and the only eventful thing about that was the occasional teenage drama, which surprisingly was Mina found herself thoroughly entertained much to Rosalie's amusement.

Mina knew everybody's business, that was mostly because she was the most approachable "Cullen" so she had human friends, though she never hung out with them outside of class or even in the cafeteria, but people loved her, she was considered one of the popular kids and not an outsider like the rest of the Cullen clan.

Rosalie by being in a relationship with Mina, which considered taboo in a small town for two girls to be in a relationship, was considered popular by association. Though she never gave the humans the same openness and kindness that Mina did. Mina figured that is they had to be here for at least four years here, they may as well not stand out that much as to not make anyone suspicious.

Today had been like every other morning at casa Cullen. Mina had woken up 5am, this was the first time she had slept in a few weeks and the full moon was in a couple of days to she was slightly moody and tired.

Rosalie had stayed awake cuddling with her wife with a movie marathon playing. Rosalie enjoyed how hot Mina's body temperature was, she was a human heater, it was like it radiated as far as a meter off of her body. She would especially get warmer the longer she went without transforming, which was the case this time as the last time she did was a month ago.

"How long was I out?" She asked, her voice raspy, making Rosalie feel some type of way. She cuddled closer to wife loving how even more affectionate she would get when she was due a transformation.

((A/N She doesn't have to change during a full moon, but she often did it then for the novelty of it all.))

"About 7 hours, you knocked out during the fourth scary movie." Rosalie said planting a kiss on her temple earning muffled 'morning my love' as she had buried herself between the nook of Rosalie neck and the pillows of their bed.

"Morning to you too, we have to get ready for school in like an hour." She slightly groaned at the prospect of having to leave this comfortable position.

Mina removed her head from Rosalie's neck and looked at her wife, a smirk on her face, Rosalie giving her a perfectly arched eyebrow in return.

"An hour you say." She said as she went in for a kiss that quickly turned heated. Rosalie turned the volume of the TV up without breaking their make out session. Mina rolled in top of her, positioning herself between Rosalie's legs deepening the kiss further, earning a muffled moan from both of them.

Her hands slipped under the shirt that Rosalie was wearing, while her lips were attacking her neck. If she could get hickies, she'd be covered in them. Deciding she was wearing to many clothes, Rosalie removed the shirt she was wearing leaving her her topless with just a pair of underwear on.

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