.•.You did this.•.

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The Cullens all entered their garage after having spoken to Laurent who insisted that he wasn't involved in James's game and that he wanted to turn over a new leaf, which Carlisle believed so he directed the nomad vampire to Alaska to meet the Den...

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The Cullens all entered their garage after having spoken to Laurent who insisted that he wasn't involved in James's game and that he wanted to turn over a new leaf, which Carlisle believed so he directed the nomad vampire to Alaska to meet the Denali clan.

The Cullens minus Rosalie and Mina were all scrambling around the garage preparing money and supplies because they knew some of them would have to leave to protect the human and Edward.

Rosalie took a seat on a table and Mina situated herself between her wife's legs, hoping the Victoria issue would be a problem for later. It seemed Rosalie had the same mindset and let her wife between her legs and even held her. This was a high stress situation, they needed each other for comfort.

"I've had to fight out kind before, we're not easy to kill." Carlisle said solemnly.

"But not impossible." Jasper retorted always ready for a fight. "We'll tear them apart and burn the pieces." He continued on, slipping back into his soldier mindset.

"What if they kill one us first?" Rosalie asked vexed about this whole situation. No dared answer her because they all knew that they were risking their lives for Edwards human.

"I'm gonna run Bella south, lead the tracker away from here." Edward said not sparing Rosalie a glance. Rose felt Mina tense at Edwards blatant disregard for her question and the danger he had put everyone in. She held Mina tighter, pulling her flush against her chest.

"No Edward, James knows you'd never leave Bella, he'll follow you." Carlos's said nipping Edwards idea in the bud quickly.

"I'll go with Bella." Alice said, " Jasper and I will drive her south." She continued.

Edward stared at her for a second, clearly reading her thoughts while he still held onto Bella, who still looked like a deer in the headlights.

"I'll keep her safe Edward." Alice said reassuringly, seeing Edwards apprehension.

"Can you keep your thought to yourself?" Edward scolded her while loosening his grip on Bella.

"Shut up Edward, she's already doing you a favour, so zip or let Bella die, it make no real difference to the rest of us." Mina said, clearly over Edwards attitude. In Mina's mind, she already did him a favour by not interfering with him and Bella. She could have very easy killed the human and gotten the rest of her families forgiveness, Edwards be damned.

Edward glared at her for her thoughts, but the glare didn't last very long against Mina's own glare.

Alice grabbed Bella gently and and directed her toward the back seat of the car. "Rosalie, Beverly, Esme, could you put these on so the tracker will pick up Bella's scent." He said as he threw Bella's items of clothing at the women carelessly.

Mina said nothing and simply stared him down, her eyes following his every movement like a hawk. She wasn't gonna stop Rosalie if she wanted to help. They weren't in the type of relationship where they had to agree with each other all the time. Rosalie was her own woman and so was Mina.

"Why? What is she to me?" Rosalie asked wanting this whole situation to just disappear. Bella could sense the tension between Rose, Mina and Edward as she watched them through the car window.

Carlisle stopped what he was doing and face the couple who made no moves to be involved in this situation. "Rosalie, Bella is with Edward, she's part of this family now." He said tiredly. This whole situation weighing heavily on him. "We protect our family."

Mina craned her neck back so as to look up at Rosalie. Rose exhaled. She respected Carlisle that's why she was doing this, not for Edward or his bloodsinger but for the rest of their family.

She looked down at Mina, who clearly had drawn her line in the sand. She said she wasn't gonna get involved and she meant it. Rosalie gave Mina a kiss on the top of her head and gently tapped her shoulder to ask her to move so she could get up, which Mina complied.

"You're staying in Forks." Mina told Rosalie, her voice conveying authority. "You're not gonna go wherever this shit show is gonna end up." She said again gesturing to Edward with a grimace.

Rosalie simply nodded, grabbing Mina's face and pulling her in for a long peck before walking away with Esme.

Mina remained in her place and leaned back into the table Rosalie had been sitting on and looked at Edward with a smirk. Carlisle also looked at her and gave her a kiss on the head before walking away. He knew that Esme, Rosalie and Beverly would be safe and that Mina would probably be watching them even if from a distance.

Edward was infuriated though, he didn't get why his family was okay with letting Mina not help him and Bella. She was in danger, and he loved her. If Carlisle was okay with bossing Rosalie around why couldn't he do the same to Mina? Why was she allowed to just be a spectator in this fight.

She said she wasn't going to get involved should something happen, but a part of Edward hoped that when the time came, Mina would be willing to protect him and Bella as they were both part of the family now. But the time came and Mina followed through, even with her mindset that Bella was a victim, she was punishing him and by proxy punishing Bella too and he didn't like it.

"You were right, ok. You were right, but this isn't about me, it's about Bella. She's the innocent party here and I'm the selfish one, don't punish her because of me. She has a family who loves her and a whole life ahead of her. I'm sorry for putting the family in danger but I care for her Mina." He said his shoulders slumped. "I'm sorry."

The smirk that occupied Mina's face went into a neutral expression now. Everyone in the garage had heard Edwards apology and we're glad that he was starting to truly acknowledge the effect that his selfishness had in others.

"I know." Mina said, making it clear she wasn't gonna engage in any sort of discussion right now. Edward nodded and made his way to the car window that Bella had been listening to the conversations around her in.

"I— if anything happens, I swear to god." Bella said, clearly scared at the events happening around her. Seeing Edward and Mina's conversation was concerning to her and she was seeing first hand the rift that she and Edwards relationship was creating with his family. She was overwhelmed and confused.

"Nothings gonna happen, there's seven of us and two of them." He said, not counting Mina because she was protecting mainly Rosalie, Beverly and Esme and not fighting the Nomads. Not to mention that he had read Victorias mind and knew of their past interactions.

"And when this is all over, I'm gonna come back and get you." He continued. "Bella you are my life now."

"Jesus, they have a flare for dramatics don't they?" Beverly said in Mina's ear unexpectedly making her snort while eyeing the lovebirds. Beverly gave Mina a hug and walked to towards Rose and Esme.

The garage opened and the two cars sped out. Leaving just Mina and Edward standing there in silence for a moment while Edward looked to the ground.

Mina let out a low whistle, "well. I've got something to do, hope this all works out the way you want it too." She said as she exited through the open garage door and sped of into the woods, in search of a certain redhead.


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