.•.Noturnal Animals.•.

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•Mina stared, no admired her wife

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.•Mina stared, no admired her wife. Rosalie stood at the end of the bed, her back turned as she slipped on a bra, while Mina laid sprawled out in their bed, straying her wife's frame with her eyes.

Rosalie was like a drug, a religion to her. Just to be in her presence was intoxicating, and to touch her was as close to heaven as she figured she'd ever get.

Rosalie moved slow as she sauntered around the room, keenly aware of Mina's eyes on her, so she put on a bit of a show and decided not to get fully dressed as of yet, as she trailed her fingers along the books in their room, looking for one to entertain her for the rest of the night.

They had just spent the better part of four hours having very loud, passionate sex, namely for Mina to release the pent up killer instinct she actively had to suppress to not kill Edward and maybe his lover alike. After the family meeting it was clear to Rosalie that Mina had every intention to kill Edward, and she honestly wasn't too opposed to the idea. She would look the other way if Mina decided to rip him to shreds, hell, she'd help her burn the body afterwards, but it took one motherly pleading look from Esme, silently telling her to help calm Mina down. Rosalie knew words weren't gonna placate the animal that was itching to be released from Mina, so she gave Esme a certain look that said, 'leave the house for a couple of hours', and that's what Esme and the rest of the family did.

The Cullens weren't stranger to hearing the occasional sexy times of each couple, it Mina came with the whole super hearing thing. Mina and Rose were one of the better ones when it came to having sex away from the family but every once in a while their desires would do away with any care of the others hearing them. They were were 'young' beautiful women, how could they be expected to keep their hands off of each other?

"I still want to do it." Mina mumbled as she watched Rosalie finally settle on a book, "or at the very least maim him." She continued. She definitely channeled her animalistic urges into their little 'session', but now she was clear of mind and calm. The kind of calculated calm that scared people. An angry Mina meant she could be reasoned with, a calm one meant she made her mind up.

"Esme and Carlisle, would be upset of you did anything to him." Rosalie said, walking towards her wife who was still sprawled out on their bed, "I hate Edward as much you." She continued as she straddled her. Mina's hands automatically finding their way onto Rosalie's waist, slowly trailing up and down her torso.

"I don't like that he thinks he's in control, it pisses me off." Mina said with a smirk, as her hands undid Rosalie's bra. "He needs to be knocked down a peg, I'm the apex predator." Her hands cupped Rosalie's chest, earning a moan from her.

"The apex predator huh?" Rosalie questioned her wife, amused by her need to be on top. In more ways than one. Rosalie's hands found themselves son Mina's throat, squeezing with the kind of force that would have broken a humans neck, but the force didn't affect Mina in the slightest, only widened her smirk into a full blown amused smile.

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