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"Ughhhh." Mina exhaled as she threw herself onto her bed next to Rosalie. "I can't believe you get to lounge around and look pretty and I still have to finish off school." She said, though her voice was muffled by the pillow she had smushed her face onto.

Rosalie chuckled, and laid on top of Minas back, placing small kisses on her clothed shoulder in an attempt to make her feel less bad.

"You're literally almost done, just stick it out, then you'll graduate and I promise we won't do the school thing next time, we'll go off on our own for a while." Rosalie promised her lover.

Mina immediately lifted her head off the pillow at the idea that Rosalie, Her and their little gremlin cat, who had a habit of hiding under things and attacking unsuspecting feet, would go off on their own for a while. "Promise?" She asked as she swiftly turned her body over while Rosalie hovered over her.

"I promise." Rosalie said placing a sweet kiss on Mina's lips.

That was all the motivation the hybrid needed to get the day going. She wasted no time getting dressed and leaving for school in Emmets Jeep, driving with Jasper as a companion because she couldn't stand Edward. While Alice drove with the disgraced Cullen.

School went on as normal, the lunch period was the only difference in their routine. Usually the family sat together, but Edward had taken to sitting with the humans with his girlfriend and Alice being Alice decided to sit with them.

So lunch became Mina and Jasper time. The two goofed of on their own. Sometimes they wouldn't even go to the cafeteria and opted to either sit in the car or run off into the forest, sometimes even go home to hang out with the others.

This time though, they sat a few tables down from the 'human' table talking amongst themselves, when an energetic Alice walked into the cafeteria. She blew her husband a kiss and threw a smile over at Mina, who simply just gave her a nod with a bored expression.

Mina didn't like how Edward had began pulling Alice back under his spell. I mean even now, knowing that being close to humans hurts Jasper, she chose to associate with Edward. Alice was one step onto Mina's shit list, but she wouldn't tell her that.

"I've decided to throw a party." Was the first thing Alice said as she sat down at the human table, making both Mina and Jaspers eyes snap over to her a few tables down, both looking two different levels of pissed.

Jasper pissed because of his control problems, and that home was supposed to be a break from the smell of human blood. Mina was pissed because she was territorial and having humans in their home would throw off her 'wolfy' claim of the space.

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