.•.Against my will, Part One.•.

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"Come, we need to go

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"Come, we need to go." Alice said with urgency interrupting the couple.

Mina and Rosalie were lounging around on a blanket under a tree. Rosalie's head on Mina's lap while the hybrid read and also played with her hair. The moment was peaceful. The snow that used cover the ground had long melted a few months ago replaced by the sun and bright greenery.

The two lovers looked at the pixie like vampire, both of their eyebrows raised in question. "Bella's dead—i think." Alice said, a distraught look on her face. Rosalie in that moment felt bad that Bella would now for sure never live a normal human existence, but she got over it pretty quickly, though she did feel bad for Edward.

Mina in the other hand had a blank look on her face, she was very much indifferent to the girl, so she certainly wasn't gonna lose sleep over the human. A part of her internally breathed a sigh of relief that the "Edward and Bella" saga that had plagued her family would now be over. Though there was no telling how Edward would react to this news.

"Okay so what?" Mina asked confused as to why Alice was offering her a hand to get up. She was quite comfortable.

"I want to go to forks and see it for myself." Alice said, her tone with ha hint of annoyance at the hybrids nonchalant demeanour. Alice found a friend in Bella, so she was not taking this news well.

"What does Mina have to do with this?" Rosalie asked just as perplexed as her wife, who was now checked out of the conversation and opting to instead get lost in staring at Rosalie, a dopey smile on her face.

"I want her—you, to come with me." Alice said waving her hand in front of Mina's face getting her to focus back into the conversation.

"Alice, I know you liked the girl, but I honestly couldn't care less, get Jasper to go with you, why do you want me?" Mina replied, her patience running thin.

"Come on Mina, this whole thing doesn't feel right, and I'd rather have you there." Alice said sincerely. Bella's death was hazy to her, she couldn't figure out why she couldn't read the girls future and it was stressing her out. Alice and Mina weren't as close as mina was with Beverly, but they had always had an understanding. They were sisters, and there had been countless amounts of time where the two would be there for each other. Hell she wouldn't have met Rosalie when she did without Alice.

Mina glanced at Rosalie, silently asking her if she was okay with her going with Alice. Rosalie rolled her eyes while sitting up, "fine." She said simply, giving Alice an annoyed look.

Alice immediately grabbed Mina's arm and yanked her onto her feet. As she pulled her to walked away, Mina escaped her grasp and kneeled down in front of Rosalie, grabbed her face and gave her passionate kiss. "I love you, I'll see you later." Mina said, caressing her wife's cheek.

"I love you too." Rosalie said slightly bashfully. Had she been human, she would have had a blush on her face.


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