.•.Snow Day.•.

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•"Alright, the rules are simple

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.•"Alright, the rules are simple." Emmet shouted as all the Cullen siblings plus Mina all took different hiding positions in the forest.

"It's every man for themselves." He continued, narrowing his eyes and looking around, "If you get hit with a snowball, you are out."

They had been planning a snow ball battle royale all morning and it was about to come into fruition. Originally they wanted to do teams, but the strength matchups were all wrong so they decided on an all out war, every man for themselves, and the winner would get any item from any of the siblings that they wanted.

The stakes were high. Sure they were all mega rich and could simply buy whatever they wanted, but the idea of taking something that belonged to each other was a lot more appealing. Mina was eyeing both the signed Elvis Presley record that belonged to Beverly and a vintage Necklace in Alice's collection.

Of course being that Mina had the superior senses, they had to give her a handicap so that they at least had a chance against her. She could only run at a vampire pace, if she was caught going any faster it was an automatic disqualification.

Another rule they had was that the couples couldn't work in cahoots with each other, and couldn't go easy on each other two. If you were against your partner, you weren't a couple anymore and you were enemies.

"Alright, you have one minute to prepare yourselves." Emmet said with a mischievous dimpled smile as he sped of to find a spot where he could have the most cover and advantage. This game was about to get heated so everyone was coming up with their own strategies.

Emmets whistle marked the beginning of the game, and immediately snowballs were flew through the air at high speed. Mina's strategy was to hide out and let the competition kill themselves off and she wasn't alone in this strategy as Beverly did the same.

In the thick of the fight, Jasper and Emmet were gunning for each other. While Alice was stalking her prey trying to get an advantage of Rosalie who was hiding behind a tree, peaking out and throwing a snowball to Alice every once in a while.

The fight between Emmet and Jasper, ended swiftly when Jasper dug into his army ways and got a perfect headshot on emmet, eliminating the gentle giant. Deciding to take advantage of Jaspers moment of victory, Mina swiftly threw a snowball at him hoping to catch him off guard, but the ever diligent Major Jasper Whitlock, turned around just in time for the projectile to miss him.

Jasper being Jasper did a tuck and roll, grabbing some snow and threw it with such pinpoint accuracy that the only way that Mina could avoid it was to simply let herself fall of the tree that she had perched herself on top of. She fell on her back with a loud thud, just parallel of Rosalie, who took her chance and threw a devastating snowball hitting the hybrid on the arm.

Mina immediately threw a devastated look to her wife, "how could you?" She asked. The rules prevented them from helping their spouses but Mina thought that she'd at least go easy on her, because she knew she would go easy her in return, but no, Rosalie was clearly out for blood, which was further proved when she gave an innocent doe eyed look to Mina.

"Sorry baby, I still love you though." She said mockingly, the hybrid still eyeing her with betrayal. Mina got up and made his way to the sidelines and plopped herself down next to a sulking Emmet.

Alice was next to be eliminated by a well timed shot by Rosalie. Clearly the blonde was out to win today, and she only needed to breath Jasper to get it, but that proved to be a hard task.

Jasper was good, too good. He ducked and dived, avoiding the snow projectiles coming his way. This was a game but his face was blank serious, he was truly in the zone. Rosalie though held her own, and continued her hiding behind a tree strategy, while throwing snowballs at Jasper every once in a while. These two were taking their time, both clearly trying to toy with the other.

The sibling spectators watched with just as much intensity too. Their heads ping ponging back and forth, watching with bated breathe to see who would leave this battle victorious. It was clear that both vampires were stubborn, leading to a stalemate, where they both just stayed hiding behind their covers, waiting for the other to make a mistake.

The standoff was broken when Jasper sped to a tree parallel to Rosalie, throwing a snowball at her, which she swiftly dodged. The peanut gallery were all wide eyed and waiting in anticipation for who the winner would be.

Rosalie found cover in the different tree but the attacks didn't stop. In her attempt to grab some snow, Jasper threw a devastating snowball, it literally curved in the air with such accuracy that it hit her square in the chest, signalling Jaspers win.

Rosalie scoffed as she eyed the spot the snowball had hit her. She was a sore loser, so losing didn't sit right with her. Her temporary anger was eliminated when she felt arms snake around her waist.

"You almost had it." Mina said reassuringly, easing her wife's short temper. Rosalie rolled her eyes but melted into Mina's embrace, deciding to let it go.

Everyone was annoyed that Jasper had won. He had the habit of being better at somethings over everyone else.

"Ugh." Emmet said, "so what do you wan—" he didn't get to finish his sentence as a snowball moved past them. The snow looked like it was moving in slow motion when they all realised that they had forgotten that there was still on competitor left.

How did she slip their minds? The snow ball hit Jasper right in between the eyebrow. The perfect headshot. Everyone stood in shock as Beverly revealed herself. Like a James Bond villain, she slowly stalked towards the group while slowly clapping with a devious smirk etched on her face.

"Well I'll be damned." Rosalie said with a proud look on her face. Mina whistled lowly, the same look on her face.


(A/N I'm gonna do a double upload because I want to get new moon over and done with, the most exciting thing about NM is the volturi to me lol, hope you guys enjoy)

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