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Unaiza was very excited to see her. She just passed her a smile. In all this household, this tiny girl seemed the most easygoing to her. Someone with whom she could relax around a bit. However, the delighted mask of a happily married needed to be put in front of her as well. But it wasn't that guy wrenching when it came to her than every other person around. Unaiza was perhaps younger than her. Probably of his brother's age.

"You are looking very pretty, Bhabi," Unaiza praised her, her cheeks got reddened a bit.

Ishmal smile. "Thanks."

She walked away from the bed and headed towards the dressing chair. Till she wouldn't get the vocal assertion for its approval by Haider himself, she wouldn't be using it. She still remembered the way he acted with her. Even though he said that he shouldn't behaved that way, yet his statement seemed emotionless to her. Also, he didn't even apologize. Not that she was expecting a proud person like him to do it anyway.

However, it was all about respect and dignity. She wanted this guy to honor her for what the reason became between their fake marriage. He should know that she was a dignified girl. And for this, she wouldn't go to this bed unless he brought her a new one or asked her to use it as he would now shift to the couch. Ishmal sat on the grey seat of the chair.

Unaiza had left after telling her to join the breakfast table along with Haider. Her eyes drifted to the pack of the rings in the new cosmetic box of hers which she purchased when she went on shopping with Razia. Ishmal was never fond of such a heavy makeover but Haider had ordered his maid everything of how he wanted to see his wife. And it was definitely to remain very modern yet traditional, giving a perfect picture of a willful marriage with some sprinkles of likeness as well.

Nevertheless, Ishmal had to bother about doing this extra embellishment. This was a part of the contract; to become a wife whom Haider wished to see. That bangle was one of the parts of it. Ironically, it was Haider who wanted to show his wife like this in front of his family and he was the first one to complain about it as well when his sleep got disturbed. She took out two gold rings out of it and slid them in either of her fingers in her both hands. As she was examining the expensive thing on her slim finger, she recalled how rich this guy was. She could never dream about owing it.

Minutes later, Haider came into the room. His black dark eyes gave her a shudder but Ishmal knew it was not the time to be scared of him. If she would show it, he would repeat the horrible behavior of last night with her again. Giving her a small look, he stepped towards the side table of the bed.

After a while, he was standing in front of Ishmal with a red velvety big box. She looked at him with gritted brows.

"In case anyone asks you, that's for a wedding present." He always remained very forthcoming and to the point whenever they talked with each other.

Haider even informed her of that agreement as well very quickly after their meeting. All the conditions are so vivid without any sugar coating. Ishmal took the box from him. He hid himself in his ensuite once again, probably to get something formal to wear. Ishmal didn't need to be told that she had to wear whatever the so-called wedding present was since the whole family of Haider would be gathered at the table.

This thought made her pulse speed up. How would she cope with so many people? Alongside giving a show of a happy wife. Pushing away that thought out of her mind for now, Ishmal opened the lid of the box. It revealed a white gold necklace having a floral small pendant. It was simple but beautiful and delicate. She softly took it out and wore it. Perhaps a day or a maximum of two, till she needed to reveal this thing. 

When she found Haider again, he was looking very handsome in a black crisp dress shirt and white pants. Till now, she had only seen him in his police uniform except on the last day. His black eyes settled on her then they slipped to the necklace around her throat momentarily before coming back to her face.

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