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Ishmal entered the kitchen and stepped towards the fridge. She brought out a bottle of water and came back to the kitchen table. Pouring the desired level into the glass as she wanted, she started sipping it slowly. She added the water in the jug as well in case they needed it again in the room.

Just when she was about to leave, she heard a loud thump from nearby. It was like the sound of some heavy thing falling on the ground. Ishmal stifled a shriek by putting her palm over her mouth. Her heart started beating speedily. What was this? Soon, a black silhouette of a man appeared in the garden moving quickly. Ishmal was able to see it from the kitchen window. Her eyes widened in fear. Was it some thief?

She thought to tell someone about this intrusion when suddenly the same person jumped through the open window of the kitchen inside. Ishmal's whole body started trembling. She thought to run but he grasped her hand tightly. He was a young man probably in his early twenties. A slim body and tan, stout features were his characteristics.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, quietly.

"Who..who are you? Leave my hand," Ishmal whispered.

"We love each other then why did you come here? We promised to never leave the side of one another. Why did you marry someone else then?" The man again said. His voice was deep when he spoke.

"I don't know you. What are you saying?" Ishmal was confused over this.

"You fled from your house for me, Ishmal. Don't come into that ASP's pressure. Let's get married. We will find our happiness. Believe me."

Ishmal's jaw dropped at this. How come he knew her name and actually the fact that she had once left her house? Who was he? As far as she could remember, she never saw him before.

It was obvious that the guy was prolonging the useless discussion so that anyone could catch them. It was his task and for full money payment, he had to do it exactly as he was ordered to do. And very soon, his attempts became fruitful. Some of it was also due to his good luck that today, Aqia and the rest of the family had gone to attend Nisha's second son's first birthday. Of course, she and Haider stayed home. It was a coincidence that this man's timing matched with their arrival back home. However if Haider had done so, it would have acted as a nail in the coffin. However, this wasn't any bad either.

It was Unaiza who had come into the kitchen to make tea for everyone as everyone felt tired.

"Bhabi..." She was stunned and perplexed.

An unknown guy was holding Ishmal's hand and she was talking to him in the night.

Ishmal forcefully pushed that guy with her other hand and turned towards Unaiza.

"What...what are you doing, Bhabi?" Unaiza's voice didn't come when she uttered this.

"Unaiza...I...I don't know who he is. He is a thief. He had barged into the house and then jumped through the window inside. I..."

"I am her boyfriend. She is lying," the guy interrupted her.

Right at this moment, Aqia entered.

"Iza dear, prepare strong tea for...." She had to stop when she saw the situation inside. "What's happening here?"

"Ishmal asked me to come here because she is unhappy. I am her boyfriend for whom she had escaped from her house," the man explained proudly.

Aqia glared at her. "What the hell is this, Ishmal?"

"Ammi, believe me, I don't know who he is. Please listen to me. He...he is lying. I don't even know him." Tears started falling from her eyes as rivers.

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