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Ishmal touched the delicate design of the ring with her index finger. She couldn't understand the purpose of it in her belongings. From putting this in her suitcase, making sure she reached home safely by dropping her himself to arresting her stepfather. What all those actions were implicating?

Haider was giving her a blank check in the morning. Many times he offered her money as a payback for marrying him. Ishmal's fist tightened around the ring. Did all this mean he was again trying to degrade her? Showing it to her that he could do anything with her because he was superior. This suddenly made her sad. It was a miserable feeling, not anger. She had fallen in love with a man who didn't consider her more than a need and a possession. Tugging the ring back into its box, Ishmal put it back on the bed.

When she tried to overlook the arrest of her stepfather by him giving appearing as if she didn't know it was done by him, now the presence of this ring had left so many questions. The former was due to her own need to get rid of that man but later-

Ishmal sighed before standing up. Grabbing her dress, she headed towards the washroom. A warm and relaxed bath made her feel at ease. When she came out, rubbing her hair with a towel, she felt an unusual effect. Like it was some kind of new beginning. But was it something she really wanted?

All her life, Ishmal never had any hopes or dreams. Her life was without any purpose, just moving with the flow. And then that night happened and Haider came into her life. She wanted to stay forever with him and wanted to leave him at the same time. It was her stupid heart's mistake who fall for him despite knowing she would not have a future with him. He was like a temporary adventure in her life and nothing else.

Ishmal was combing her hair when she heard voices from outside. When they took the form of familiar and discrete yelling, she left whatever she was doing and came outside. As she reached the corridor, she saw Abid's parents arguing with her mother in the lounge.

"What did you do to my son?" His father growled.

"He is getting what he deserves. He kept a bad eye on my innocent daughter and tried to molest her," Farah replied.

"Innocent?" The woman smirked. "Your daughter certainly isn't innocent. She under the influence of her own erratic hormones tried to seduce my son and when he didn't comply, she injured him and then fled. No good girl flew from home in the night as she did. And then didn't know where she spent the whole time. To whom she gave her supposed innocence again. Perhaps someone very influential and rich who told the police to capture my son. The police aren't even accepting any bail. I don't know where that characterless girl had rotten herself to again lure a---"

"Stop this!" Farah shouted and raised a finger at the woman. "Not a word against my daughter anymore. You can go because your son is having a punishment for his sin."

Ishmal bit her lower lip when the man's eyes caught his attention. He marched towards her and grabbed her jaw. "You shameless bitch. How many men have you spent the time when you weren't here? Who paid you how much?"

Farah approached her father-in-law and made Ishmal come out of his grip who gasped in pain. "Don't touch my daughter!"

"You are such an ungrateful woman, Farah. We married our chaste son to you when you were a widow with a daughter. He gave you everything which you maybe didn't deserve and considered this bitch as his own daughter. I won't spare both of you. I will be the death of both of you," he barked as his eyes were turning red with anger.

"Ibad, Ayyan come here!" The man then called his grandsons.

Farah's eyes widened. What was he up to?

The boys came on his second call, looking all stunned and confused.

"Go and sit in the car outside. Quickly!" He ordered them.

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