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When she saw Haider entering the room, her breath got stuck in her throat. Maybe that wasn't enough as he shut the door behind him. Ishmal gulped in fear to find the same dark look in his eyes which once in the past had scared the hell out of her. The biggest hit of his ego which had made him the person like he was today, she had came out to be like this for him. He once said he still hated the people who weren't honest in the relationship and she was portrayed to be exactly the same one. What would he do with her now? This caused her tongue to almost dry.

However, there was love present now. Haider didn't love Nisha but he claimed to actually love her. This would surely let him see the truth.

'As I told you earlier; my heart, my mood, and my consideration only change in front of you. I am still a very bad man, believe me.'

Every color drained from Ishmal's face when she recalled his words from the time she spent a night at his house. She rushed towards him. Many streaks of her dignity had been tainted by her stepfather and she didn't want the rest of them to see the same consequence.

"Haider, I didn't do anything. I am innocent. Please believe me. I am sincere to you," she murmured while her face again got wet with many tears.

Haider cupped the side of her face. "You don't need to give any clarification to me, Ishmal. I know you can never do something like that."

Ishmal's eyes widened in surprise. "Do you think I wasn't involved in this?"

He wiped her cheek with the pads of his fingers. "That's not even an argument. I trusted you enough to bring you back into my life in the first place."

Ishmal smiled while crying at the same time. "I only love you, Haider. I don't know who that guy was. And who is trying to bring me down in front of you."

Haider caressed her cheekbones tenderly. That was the very first time she confessed her love for him. But he wished the situation was different because she wouldn't be standing like this then. He leaned over and kissed her forehead.

This girl was his wife. An innocent, pure, loving, and sincere girl who put her hope in him before coming to his house despite knowing she would be get a warm welcome. She trusted her heart, life, and body with him. How could he even suspect her for a nanosecond when she was the one who came to save his life by risking her own when he was surrounded by goons?

"Don't give me any justifications anymore. I'll figure out who bastard had actually dared to enter my house and tried to disgrace my wife. I won't let him remain in one piece," he announced strictly.

Haider tugged her hair away from her forehead which got stuck due to sweat and blood. There was a big wound there. The bleeding had stopped but now there was a bright red colored scrape.

"What happened here?" He asked, looking back into her eyes.

Ishmal bit her lower lip and shook her head. "Nothing."

Haider immediately understood it and clenched his jaw in anger. "Did Mom do that?"

Ishmal snuck in a breath. She didn't want him to confront his mother because of her. "Haider, it's..."

"Sit here." He held her by her shoulders and made her recline on the bed.

He started searching for something in the drawer and later on, came up with a first aid box. He was so gentle when he bandaged her wound.

"The other family members had got me wrong. Ammi and Abbu they don't seem to believe me. What will I do?" Ishmal suddenly raised her concern.

Haider who was cleaning the blood from her injury paused. "You shouldn't worry about that. Everyone will get to know the truth eventually. And I damn care about anyone's opinion."

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