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"How shameless you are. Everything is in front of our eyes and yet you are trying to portray yourself as innocent." Aqia snarled furiously.

"Aqia, stop right now. First, listen to Ishmal. Maybe she is right. Why would she do that?" Tashfeen commented.

"Isn't it very clear? She wants to bring defamation upon Haider and our family. Tell me, how in the world would that guy know her name and the fact that she ran away from her house?" Aqia clapped back.

"I swear I don't have such intention. I don't even know..."

"Shut your mouth!" Aqia shouted loudly as Ishmal stopped whatever she was saying and stared at her in horror.

Haider remained quiet all this time. Though the way his eyes were red, he had his jaw clenched and hands curled in a fists, it was obvious he wasn't as calm inside as he was appearing outside. Ishmal turned towards him and held his hand tightly.

"Haider...Haider, please hear me out. I am not lying. I...I was in the room. You know this. Then...then suddenly I felt thirsty. There was no water in the bedroom. I came into the kitchen and then I heard the sound of someone jumping in the garden. I got scared and within a split second, that guy came into the kitchen through the open window. I seriously don't know him. I never saw him before. I don't know who planned everything against me. Believe me, please Haider," Ishmal was sobbing as she spoke.

Aqia glared at her and then pushed her away from Haider. She wasn't in anticipation of such an attack hence she lost her balance. If it wasn't for Haider's hand over her arm, she might have fallen.

"Don't you pull this drama of fake victim once again?" Aqia raised her hand to slap her again.

"Stop, Mom!" Haider said sternly.

Aqia's eyes widened as she looked at him while her hand remained in the middle.

"No one will touch my wife now. And stop with these sick accusations," he asserted at the top of his lungs.

Haider glanced at Ishmal. Her eyes were wet and swollen and her whole face was filled with tears. There was a bruise over her left temple, now the blood around it was clotted. Her hair had come out of the loose bun while the dupatta she mostly wore over her head usually in front of his family was resting aimlessly on her shoulders. A blaze of resentment shot through his body.

"Go back to the room, Ishmal," he told her.

"Haider!" Aqia snapped quietly. "What are you saying? You should be telling her to get out of this house and your life."

Haider twisted his nose in irritation. "Mom, I know what I have to do." He again looked at Ishmal. "Haven't you heard, Ishmal?"

She whimpered but seeing his anger-filled expressions, she obeyed what he said. Haider's gaze silently followed her as she ran towards their bedroom.

"What did you just do, Haider? Everything was in front of you with proofs and yet you are being oblivious to choice?" Aqia reasoned.

"Haider, who was that guy? You should be asking this from Ishmal. Yes, she must be right that she doesn't know him but who exactly was he?" Tashfeen murmured, talking more logically than his wife.

"Why the talk? Just divorce her, Haider. She is a characterless girl and I won't tolerate someone like her as my daughter-in-law," Aqia yelled.

"Ishmal is right. She can never do that. Someone has plotted all this against her. I'll find out eventually who that bastard was. And Mom please, I am asking you for one last time; stop using such language for my wife. And I don't want any discussion on this matter anymore," Haider announced with a straight face.

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