Chapter 11 World Council

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"Are you 100% sure of this, Batman?" Clark asked, his face more solemn than ever.

"No, I'm not". Bruce denied. "This is, once again, just speculations. Without true Intel, plotting our next course of actions on mere assumptions will only cause unwanted damage. What's most important right now is to gather the league and try to find him".

"Is there any way we can talk to Lobo? See if he knows anything?" Diana asked, causing Bruce to shake his head before bringing back the picture of lobo. With a few finger taps, a hologram of someone's face appeared in their view.

Half of his face was brown skinned and very short black hair, making his African American descent obvious to see. The other half, however, looked robotic with the eye showing a gleaming red color.

The rest of his body as far as the camera could see was fully covered in various mechanical armor, with the Motherbox being the final component used in making up the half human, half robot entity known by the Justice league members as Victor Stone.


The league's half machine, half man member was bioengineered by his father in an attempt to save his life after experiencing a horrible accident with mechanical parts, leaving him more machine than man.

"Batman? What do you need?". Victor asked.

"Cyborg, status on Lobo". Bruce replied.

".... Sigh! Nowhere near good". The reply he received made Batman frown as Vic continued.

Victor's left eye glowed red as reports filled the screen, completely mapping out Lobo's present state.

"We ran some tests on him. He's still alive, luckily, but barely. His body has remained completely unresponsive since the moment flash dropped him off. While his cells are experiencing... odd circumstances. Honestly, what all that's happening right now in his internals, I'm surprised he's still alive".

Cyborg said with a click of his tongue.

"What situations? Clarify".

"And why is he still like this?"

"Well, the cells within his body are going through a phenomenal degeneration sequence where....."

"Hold on Cyborg. Barry isn't here to translate, so why don't we try this again. But this time, in the language of the people". Superman hurriedly interrupted as his brain hurt just thinking about listening to all the scientific mumbo jumbo that would soon spew out of his mouth.

Batman and wonder woman didn't say a word, but their dark expressions said it all.

'In English Please'.

Cyborg looked at them with an urge to click his tongue.

"Tsk…. Fine. Technically, from what we could tell from his DNA, his cells are healing, trying to fix all the damage it's suffered from". They all nodded, finding no surprise in his words.

"Here comes the twist. His healing rate doesn't match the data you gave me, Bruce. It's slower, like dozens of times slower than what he should actually be capable of". Vic said, causing everyone to have furrowed expressions.

"So the new guy did this if I'm to judge correctly, huh?" Cyborg asked with intrigue.

"Looks like we have to amp up the security risk level of our resident alien". Batman said, his face ugly.

"I think I know how". Clark suddenly said with a solemn tone.

"It was when I came back from space, I didn't even have an opportunity to fully process when I saw Lois's helicopter about to crash. I rushed and saved it from falling, and then I saw it when I turned around. He had Lobo by the throat, seconds before Lois arrived with the camera. He seemed to be siphoning something out of him.... the same kind of energy that he infused in those pills earlier".

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