Chapter 63 Batgirl

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For all transmigrators, Gotham was the well perceived “Novice village”. Similar to “Hell's Kitchen” in Marvel.

Lawless, Chaotic, Rampant Crime, it had it all. For those who travelled through with gaming systems, the proper place to level up. But when you took a look from a proper perspective, Gotham was downright terrifying.

“Novice village? Perhaps”. Amari muttered to himself. His gaze swept all around him and the scorched land came into view.

Bones....... burned skeletons of all sizes.

“The difficulty mode and danger level is set to extreme, though”.

With no warning whatsoever, thousands of people died in an instant. They didn't even have enough time to register a scream.

Even the heavily apathetic Energy Sentient was a little moved.

It was different when the causalities were caused due to the exchange of blows instead of this deliberate massacre.

No matter how you looked at it, Gotham was far worse than Metropolis.

At least, you wouldn't expect a part of the city to suddenly just blow up without warning. Usually, Super villains would rampage on the streets for a while before the Blue Boy Scout swooped in to take control of the issue.

As for Gotham?

Amari shook his head, his gaze returning to the billboard screen in the distance. Showing that white face, maniac look and insufferable laughter.

This....... was truly unexpected.

Who knew that the Joker would actually decide to set up several explosives all over the city and detonate them at the same time, today of all days.

But that didn't matter anymore.

Due to the explosion, the wind was particularly violent. His black jacket fluttered slightly within it.

“.......... As you all know..... I just got back from a rather pleasant vacation. And I oh so wanted to share it with my best pal...... You know, a close friend to let em feel your joy…". Joker gestured dramatically.

A grin was plastered to his face, effectively displaying his white teeth.

The next moment, however, that grin turned upside down as a contemplating frown appeared on his face.

“....... It's too bad, I haven't seen him around. Like he's gone off the grid lately......”

“Well, maybe he didn't get the news of my return. So I decided to hold a party, invite some guests, set up a few fireworks........ You know, the usual…".

Everyone in Gotham shuddered in fright.

Almost a dozen locations had been destroyed throughout the city. The death toll couldn't even be imagined yet.

People in the streets rushed to the nearest shelters they could find.

All of Gotham was in a pandemonium.

The Gotham Police Department turned to the busiest place in the city. Phone calls came in from all lined, turning the pace into a disordered mess.

“Someone trace this video feed. Find this Goddamn bastard at all costs”. In the GCPD, Chief Gordon yelled out orders at the top of his lungs.

His intense gaze was fixed on the video of the man on the screen, showing unprecedented anger and fury.

“....... Hehehe.... So Batsie, are you watching? How did you like my surprise?”

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