Chapter 56 Black Canary

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Earth [-1]

Location in the multiverse: Unknown

Status: Unknown

Years ago, it was just like this earth. With countries and commerce and schools, education systems, transportation Industries, World sports, Hollywood........ You name it.

Everything was almost 100% similar to this world. There was Darkseid's sentry invasion.

The New God, Stepphenwolf, arrived at Earth to acquire the Mother boxes.

The Justice League was formed, defeating the alien threat and becoming the heroes of mankind.

Kal-El of Krypton, otherwise known as Superman, alongside Batman and Wonder Woman, formed Earth's mightiest heroes.

From there, they went on protecting the earth from several threats, fighting villains and living their lives the best way they knew how.

It wasn't all sunshine and roses. There were hard times, times in which they almost lost their lives.

They lost some good friends along the lines as well.

The world wasn't perfect, far from it. But it was ok, and things were fine........ Until “He” changed, that is.

No one knew why, how or when it actually started.

It seemed like the whole thing happened overnight.

Some called it the greatest mystery in the world.

And even now, the reason remains unknown to all but one. There have been speculations, but no one could say for sure.

Perhaps due to the Solar storm that appeared that year, or the kryptonite meteor that appeared the following year. Some said it was Darkseid, before “he” killed him. Others blamed Mister Mind, some threw it on Lex Luthor who fought him with some Kryptonite based weapons, almost killing him with a kryptonite disease.

There were many guesses. Batman entered a bunch of em in the Justice League data files. He recovered them from the Watchtower alongside other things before “He” destroyed the space station.

Maybe deep down, he was just as Batman initially feared, pure evil. But ultimately, it didn't matter.

Not anymore, that is.

Because on that dreaded day, the world, as it looked like here, came to an end.

“He” became what the government always feared he would. Destroyed everything that he labeled a threat to his existence and everyone who stood in his path.

No one could talk to him.

No one could reach him.

No one could beat him.

The world grew fragmented. Like an apocalyptic landscape. Chaos and destruction reigned after he killed the majority of the Justice League and overthrew the government.

What was left of them effectively formed the last survival group, known as “The Resistance”.

And so, the earth, after many years of waging war on itself, finally came to a somewhat, delicate balance in power.

“He” ruled as the biggest boss. The overlord, The Black Tyrant. The other powers (Resistance included) existed only because they had weapons that could threaten him.

That was this Earth's story. Until recently, a change took place that made The Resistance finally see a chance to turn the tables.

Their world........ Had a visitor.

And from there, they saw a chance. A chance to find someone who could help their cause.

However, travelling through universes was not something that could be done casually.

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