Chapter 31 Blood Donor

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Gotham Outskirts.


Amari stood in front of Kara's pod with a pondering look on his face. His facial features often shifted between that and a questioning look with a raised eyebrow.

The holographic Red Queen looked at her master who was doing nothing other than standing there in what seemed to be deep thought for the last seven minutes.

She had already scanned the Kryptonian specimen that had been delivered and was now undergoing a different process.

Unlike Batman's cramped Batcave in the original work, the room they inhabited was rather large. Almost twice as spacious as the one used for government conferences.

Kara's naked body lay within a pod which constantly shone with yellow light, analyzing her genetic structure to the very last particle.

Strangely, apart from Amari, the Red Queen and Kara within the technological contraption, the only thing that could be seen in the spacious room was the spacecraft that had transported the future Supergirl to earth.

The AI finally uttered words that broke the silent atmosphere.

"Is there anything you require assistance with Master?"

"Huh? Oh no, what makes you think that?"

"Your expressions portray what I can only describe as you having difficulty in making a decision. Are you perhaps pondering what you will do with the kryptonian female?"

"No. That's not it".

"Thinking about calculated steps for your future plans then?"

"That's not it either".

"Then can you please enlighten me?"

"I can't decide on a name for this place".

Red Queen: ???????

Amari looked at the life-like puzzled expression on the face of the AI and was a little amused inwardly.

Nevertheless, he wasn't kidding.

This place that he had created with nothing but a thought and the expenditure of some energy, he truly didn't know what to call it.

"Your actions ever since your arrival on this planet have been rather bold sir. Quite inconsistent with your low key profile in the last month".

The plain sentence had a lot of truth to it. Apart from the military announcement stating that they had "cooperated" with him to destroy the invading spaceship, Amari hadn't made any public moves in a while.

His presence, or lack thereof had given many people sleepless nights. The one on the top of that list was his new neighbor in Gotham city, Batman. But that was to be expected of the most paranoid man in the DC multiverse.

It was already surprising enough that Batman didn't make contact since the last time they met.

Neither did any members of the Justice League. No Flash, Martian, no one.

But when you think about it, they probably had bigger problems at the time.

Following in second place was the American government. The world council had given him right to live on the planet.

However, there was no clause in their verbal agreement that stated where he would reside. Wherever he decided to base himself was his own concern....... and the concern of the country he resided in.

So placing himself near Gotham had caused the American government to grow restless. General Lane had placed satellite surveillance on his territory twenty four hours a day.

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