Chapter 58 Resurrect

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“By Rao!” Seeing Superboy getting pierced through the chest, Kara's eyes widened.

“..... Well, well, would you look at that”. Amari squinted his eyes, looking at the scene in front of him.

Sitting on top of the mountain, the evening was particularly windy.

“Quite cruel. He went directly for the killing blow”.

“..... Killing? You don't mean.....?” Kara asked uncertainly and uneasily.

“His hand directly passed through the physical defense, stabbing into Superboy's heart. The outcome is what you think it is”.

“A dead kryptonian clone”.

He answered lightly.

“I expected Zoom to win easily. Maybe kill a few….” Putting his hand on his chin, his eyes showed a thoughtful look.

To be more specific, he meant two. Black Canary and Artemis.

Unlike Superboy, who although was far from matching Superman, had kryptonian blood, the two women were basically lambs to be slaughtered.

And in a way, he was right. His gaze shifted imperceptibly towards Black Canary whose eyes were wide open but couldn't move properly to help, and Artemis who was knocked to the floor.

“Judging from that slight cracking sound.....” His eyes lit up with a dark purple glow, and the colors of everything within his vision changed.

Focusing on the fallen archer, the greatly enhanced insight brought by his eyes allowed him to see her internal structure.

“Just as I thought”. Amari muttered. “A neck fracture........ The poor girl is unlucky”.

“Judging from the way things look, if she doesn't get help in time, the best result would be brain damage or quadriplegia. The worse case scenario would be another death….”

His gaze moved back to the main scene. Zoom pulled his hand away from Conner's chest while the latter fell to the ground.

“No!” Seeing this, Kara couldn't hold it anymore and jumped down. Amari didn't stop her, transporting her main body back to the real world, and watched her descend shakily in the air.

“...... That is..... If I let the first death stay that way….”

“Guess it's time they finally meet”. Amari said softly in the evening wind.


The flash of blue lightning streaked away from Happy Harbor, disappearing from the small town and Rhode Island in seconds.


The blue light illuminated M'gann's face for a split second before everything to the dark of night.

Her mouth was slightly ajar, the momentary whoosh cause her hair to flutter with the wind.

“Conner!” Seeing Zoom disappear, M'gann flew towards the teenage boy fallen on the floor.

Anyone looking at him would think he was simply unconscious.

“Artemis, we need to get help. Conner, he's...... he's….” M'gann's stuttered, realizing something.

“Artemis?” Turning her back, the unmoving body of the female Archer stayed where it was. Completely unresponsive to her call.

“Megan.....” Dinah called out, but Miss Martian didn't seem to hear her.

“She's hurt”.


“No..... No…"

“You need..... To contact the League. They need to know something's happened.....”.

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