Chapter 27 You're All Going To Die Here

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Seeing Superman bleeding out large amounts of blood, everyone had grim expressions on their faces. Superman was popularly known to have three weaknesses.

One, several types of kryptonite.

Two, Magic.

And three, the lesser known red sun which had the same capability to make kryptonians lose their abilities, just like blue kryptonite.

The Man Of Steel is resistant to almost every form of attack due to his bioelectric aura. Superman's kryptonian physiology gives him a naturally occurring shield that surrounds him at nearly any time. The aura can be extended as well, far beyond the limits of his form, which allows him to protect objects within his grasp as well.

Coupled with his almost invulnerable physique and all of his other abilities, it would be reasonable to assume that the Last Son of Krypton is truly invincible.

But his teammates knew better than that. Under a red sun, even a simulated one, although he wouldn't become cripplingly weak like when exposed to green kryptonite, Clark would practically lose all his abilities.

And with how badly injured he already was...

"Oh no! This is bad, he's not healing".

"If this keeps up, he'll die". Barry yelled urgently. The four Leaguers all had ugly faces.

"We need to get him out of range". John said solemnly.

"Flash, get Superman out of here". Diana said with haste.

"The shield is set, neither you nor the kryptonian are going anywhere. He is coming with us". Mericrozz said flatly.

"By my sword, he is not". Wonder Woman drew her sword in combat readiness.

Martian Manhunter looked at Mericrozz deeply.

"I can feel your mind, you're a white Martian....." John's red pupils turned white, and he activated his telepathy in an attempt to invade the mind of the latter.

However, his face contorted greatly in the following second.

".... No…. no… you're not …."

"That was a bad idea" with eyes as white as the moon on a dark night, the White Martian countered with telepathy.

"Ahhhh!" J'onn suddenly let out a painful scream. His figure staggered backwards before dropping to the floor.

"J'onn!" Cyborg yelled and immediately opened fire while Diana attacked.

"That will be enough!" With a push of her hand, her telekinesis smashed towards them, pushing everyone back a long distance. Superman excluded.

Clark's bleeding body was pulled up from the floor with telekinesis.

Barry, seeing this immediately took to his feet and rushed at his fastest speed.

"You attacked first last time. Now, it's my turn". Barry said to himself as he attacked the Martian with extreme speed.

Barry Allen wasn't called the fastest man alive for nothing.

(Although before season 4, there was always someone faster than him to beat up his ass)

Even Clark wasn't as fast as he was. As long as he knocked out Mericrozz, then half their problems were solved.

That's what he thought, but unfortunately..... his sonic speed came to a halt three meters away from his target. Mericrozz always surrounded herself with a telekinetic field.

Unless the force could exceed her upper limit, it was literally an impenetrable defense.

So even with his speed, The Flash was helpless.

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