Chapter 35 Batman's exposed

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Justice League public HQ

Hall Of Justice

Washington DC


The silver white moon shone brightly in the nighttime all over the city.

[Recognized: Batman 02]

[Recognized: Martian Manhunter 07]

Two pulses of golden yellow light flashed within the Hall of Justice inner room, followed by the staunch bodies of two figures stepping out of the Zeta tubes.

Bruce walked out indifferently, his arms covered underneath his cape, while his face portrayed nothing but seriousness.

Following behind him was the Green Martian himself, J'onn J'onzz.

Looking around, he instantly recognized the familiar surroundings and guessed their current location. Nevertheless, the fact that they were here left him slightly puzzled.

"Batman! Why did the Zeta tubes bring us to the Hall? What about the rest of the league? Why is it just the two of us?" He asked in an attempt to clear his puzzlement.

They had just finished discussing their next course of action to take against Amari. So why was the teleport location of both of them different from the other Leaguers?

"We need to do something before we get to that. And I need your help for some extra matters". The dark and broody voice of the dark night resounded in his ears.

"Oh? Then what can I assist you with?" He asked.

"Flash said something that I agree with. With his character, I'm afraid that Amari won't just cooperate with our actions. We might be in for a difficult battle tonight. Normally, that wouldn't be an issue......."

Bruce paused for a moment, bringing slight suspense, before continuing.

"...... However, the target location this time is his base. Let's not even mention the energy shield, facts state that we know nothing about that place or what defenses it could have. This alone puts us at a disadvantage".

Listening to Batman's words, Martian Manhunter quickly understood what Batman was conveying.

Amari was already a mysterious character, even to the league, who had access to the green lantern database and a wealth of information about various life forms all over the universe.

Apart from the respective abilities he had openly shown, they knew nothing else about this otherworlder. A fact that, honestly, Batman didn't like one bit.

Now, they were about to invade into the said alien's private space.

Batman didn't know about others, but the League's true headquarters, the Watchtower, had all sorts of defense mechanisms and powerful weapons systems designed to attack all unauthorized Intruders on the spot.

So did Superman's fortress. Hell, even his own Bat cave had some security alarms, as well as a few high-tech traps set here and there for security purposes.

And with such a large base, almost equivalent to a small city, Bruce wouldn't believe that the energy shield was the only form of defense Amari had within his territory.

He wouldn't believe it even if he was tied up by the Joker and beaten to death with a walking stick.

"......... We don't know what he has in there. Without info, we are definitely going to suffer some losses. If we have to fight him within that place, our situation might get ugly". Bruce's tone was grim.

The situation was quite similar to him battling the Joker within the latter's clown castle. A deathtrap in the literal sense.

Bruce didn't dare to take such a big risk. Especially if his neglect could cause a leaguer to turn out severely injured, or even worse, dead.

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