Chapter 21 War Of The Bounty Hunters 3

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United States, Happy Harbor, Rhode Island.

Mount Justice.


"... Hey…. looks like you're waking up".

Intermittent sounds were all that Megan could hear. Flashes of light occasionally seeped past her eyelids as they gradually opened from their previously shut state.

"...ugh…". Megan groaned heavily as her eyes opened. Her vision was somewhat blurry as a bright light assaulted her vision.

Yet before she could properly adjust to it, she felt a splitting pain from the side of her neck, causing her to wince.

".... Heh... Easy girl, it's ok… just take it easy. ." The soft, comforting voice that flowed into her ears was all too familiar to her.

"Ar…. Artemis?" Megan called out uncertainly. Her eyes soon adapted, restoring her blurry vision, and what came into view was a place she hadn't found herself since she came to reside in Mount Justice.

The Med Bay.

She turned her head around to see her recent yet familiar teammate sitting at the edge of the bed right next to her.

"Welcome back Megan. It's good to see you awake". Artemis said, with dark circles around her eyes. She had been sitting beside Megan's bed since the incident happened, with her heart filled with worry.

Even though they hadn't been teammates for a long period of time, seeing her wake up brought a smile to her weary face.

For someone like Artemis who aspired to be a hero but grew up in a family of villains, the friends she had made in this team were precious to her. Even the annoying Wally West.

"Artemis, where are we?" Megan wasn't familiar with this place, as she had only been here once since her arrival.

"In Mount Justice. You're in the Med Bay".

"Med Bay?" Megan asked doubtfully, trying to recall why she was here. Flashes of memories came to her head, reminding her of what happened before she woke up in this place.

Megan involuntarily tensed up as fear overwhelmed her senses.

"It's ok, it's ok. Don't worry, you're safe. We all are". Artemis said reassuringly as she placed her palm on Megan's hand.

"What happened?"

"Well to sum it up in a few words, we got our asses kicked. We're lucky someone came to help us in time". Artemis replied candidly.

"How long was I out?"

"About a day".

"Oh…." Megan gave a small sound as her muscles relaxed. She rubbed the area around her neck that felt really sore. The green skin didn't look green in that area anymore and was taking a shade of red.

"Welcome Miss Martian. It's good to see you're awake". A robotic voice with a gender-neutral tone spoke then. Light footsteps that gave out a soft metallic clang could be heard as someone entered the Med Bay.

He wore a blue cape and the surface of his being sported a metallic red. That's if he could be considered a he to begin with.

"Thank you Red tornado". Megan said as she saw the Android appear. Her inner cheerful personality made her give out a subconscious smile.

"My pleasure". He said as he approached the bed.

Megan turned her head around and discovered that apart from the three of them, no one else was here.

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