Chapter 43 Prove A Point

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Feeling the tremendous power in the spherical energy ball at his fingertips, Amari examined it closely.

In this universe, the power of the Gods were still powerful enough to be paid attention to.

With a thought, the powers of Shazam were disassembled and absorbed into his body.

As for Shazam?........... Well, just like Zatara, what was left of him was a broken magic man. Unless Shazam regained his abilities through some other methods, Billy Batson would have to start considering his future in society seriously.

“And then there was one”.

Amari turned his head to the distance. He could easily spot Batman, hanging off a window ledge on a nearby building. His tightly clenched fists and gritted teeth were fully displayed close up in his eyes.

“I've had enough fun… So let's end this”. Amari said to himself as he stamped his foot on the floor. A stream of destructive energy emerged from the soles of his feet, penetrated into the ground and rushed in a straight line towards its intended target.

Bruce's pupils shrank, and he quickly shot his grappling gun towards the nearest rooftop. His body had barely been pulled away when the energy stream rushed towards the abandoned building and then....... BOOM!

Flames burst out and the whole place exploded. Bruce, however, didn't escape unaffected. The shockwave hit the back of the caped crusader, affecting his escaping posture.

Batman's body fell as the hand holding the grappling gun faltered, landing hard on a nearby roof.

Nevertheless, Bruce wasn't a martial arts master for nothing. His body rolled, and he performed a handstand followed by a backflip to stabilize his landing posture.

Bruce landed firmly in his feet, but a figure appeared in front of him at a speed faster than he could react.

Amari's palm landed on Bruce's chest, sending the latter flying off the rooftop several hundred meters away. The back of The Dark Knight slammed into a tall building.

At this point, the fight had already escaped the area in Bruce's restriction and had approached more populated places in Gotham. The heavy impact caused by Batman's collision caused the wall to develop cracks, frightening the family of four who lived on that floor.

Bruce felt something, warm and metallic, in his throat. His body fell sharply from the high height and even with his customized batsuit, he was sure that he would definitely suffer greatly if he crashed into the pavement with this level of momentum.

Several sharp spikes appeared out of a section around his arms and legs. Bruce leaned towards the building and dug them into the building, causing slash marks to appear as he continued to descend.

Then, he pushed off the building when his descent had slowed down, landing with a roll.

Bruce spat out a mouthful of blood in a kneeling posture. His raised his head to the side and what greeted his vision was a timely kick to the face.

Amari stood on the side with both arms in his pocket as he watched Bruce's body crash. The coldness in his eyes were almost overflowing at this point.

“Ugh!” A groan escaped from The Dark Knight. Pain, even with the batsuit on, Bruce felt pain overwhelm his senses.

His body trembled slightly as he pushed himself from the floor. Blood flowed from his lips and nose, nevertheless, his expression remained unchanged.

“Your starting lineup was wrong”. His words drifted into Bruce's ears. Batman supported himself on something as he rose from the ground.

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