Chapter 65 The Bad News Just Keeps On Coming

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“There's a ninety percent chance that Batman already considers the Axiom outside Gotham an eyesore. What you plan to do will possibly push him to the edge”.

“Then let it. He can jump off the edge if he decides to for all I care. When Wayne industries show me proof of ownership over Gotham city, then we'll talk. Until then, this topic isn't even up for debate”.

“Do you seriously not intend to do anything about general Lane?”

“Nope. Let's wait until Lex develops a mini Skynet first”.

A figure sat on a tall building, seemingly chatting with no one in a carefree tone.

The male suddenly paused, turned his head towards another direction, then smirked in amazement.

“And........ The bad news keeps on coming”.

“....... Indeed,".

“Tsk tsk..... Too bad, Bruce isn't here. If Bruce knew this was what would become of him, he would probably write down a long list of dos and don'ts for the Bat family”.

“Alice...... With the general trend of things, what are the chances that she'll get crippled, like in the original timeline?”

“...... I have no knowledge of future events but according to my.....”

“Wait! Sorry I asked. Don't answer that”.




Barbara Gordon landed on a rooftop before jumping down. Releasing her cape to form look alike bat wings, her rapid descent was reduced as she landed in an alley in a kneeling posture.

Disabling her suit's gliding function, she walked with quick steps towards the darkest area in the alley.

In a narrow corner within the shadows, a large object was covered with a black tarp.

Barbara pulled the tarp off, revealing her standardized escape vehicle.

The Ricochet.

A Tri-wheeled motorized vehicle with a capsule like compartment lying parallel to the ground and a handlebar steering system similar to a motorcycle.

“Come on, Girl, we have a clown to bust”. The hatch on the vehicle's roof opened up, granting Batgirl access.

The Ricochet was powered up, evident by the purple light on its surfaces. Batgirl hopped into the pod shaped vehicle with a bit of anxiety on her features.

Turning on the computer system of the Vehicle linked to the Batcave, she nimbly set up a timer on the screen.

One hour.

She only had one hour to find The Joker before “he” decides to take matters into his hands.

Of course, to make sure the Joker doesn't end up meeting a miserable fate, she could only do her best and arrest him before the timer runs out

Barbara reaffirmed herself on her objectives.

Find the Joker.

Put a stop to his plans.

Arrest him and take him to jail.

Not only saving the city, but also proving her capabilities in the process. Who knows, maybe by doing so, she would be invited to join the Justice League.


This was all about doing the right thing and showing that she was just as capable as he was. Just as good as any official hero on the Justice League.

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