Chapter 51 Amanda Waller

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[This is “Night Watch” News, welcoming all our viewers joining us tonight. And on our report this evening, the main focus lies on the recent Gotham Battle taking place between two sides......]

[...... Keen to discover that National crime rates have soared to an all-time high.....]

[...... Central City News, Linda Park live at the center of the Justice League's battle site with the unknown Extraterrestrial aliens who invaded Central City last month...........]

[Central City takes the lead in experiencing economic crisis. Land value drops to an unprecedented rate as citizens sell their properties and flee from the city at all costs.....]

[Virtual Gridlock on capital taxes......]

[Superman's recent absence has caused a crime wave to hit Metropolis….]

[...... Today we find ourselves at what is, or was, one of the world's largest private research facilities. As you can see from the site behind me, the Venim Corporation building that was once filled with numerous state-of-the-art facilities with an annual turnover of hundreds of millions of dollars has been reduced to rubble…]

[Tidal wave of Arson attacks. Many innocent civilians dead and countless more injured….]

[Exco group razed to the ground by unknown Intergang Members carrying high-tech weapons]

[… Where is the Justice League during times of crisis?]

[Filing for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 11]

[Stock market of major US companies plummet…]

[There is a rapid inflation, numbers reaching the double digits.....]

[Real estate for the first time in years experiences a sharp decline….]

[All Of America, turning to the new Gotham?]

[America suffering from series of attacks. Are all these orchestrated.....]

[...... Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me, folks….]

[..... Justice League, still refusing to give statement of the recent battle in Gotham City to the mysterious Deviant. At least, that's the name the masses are sticking with.......]

[Justice League members missing? Where have they gone?]

[....... Our sources tell us that the League may have been mind controlled.....]

[… In my humble opinion, the whole world should keep an eye out. As since the previous Central City incident, the anti-hero campaign has intensified their efforts. Growing larger and larger with each passing week, the defamatory remarks all point to the fact that since the era of Superheroes arrived in our world, the escalating conflicts have broken into the areas of the general populace, putting more and more innocent lives in harm's way.....]

[....... Although no apparent action has been taken to address issues concerning the Justice League and all Superheroes in general, it does leave people to worry. Are Superheroes truly the solution........ Or are they the problem?]


United States

Location: Undisclosed......

Maple bridge Avenue, ........ Café....

Looking at the news report on the tablet, a teenage female with exquisite features and long flowing hair had a rather puzzled expression on her face.

“This..... This is......”.

“....... Surprising, isn't it?” A male sitting opposite her asked inquisitively.

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