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[Luca POV]
Before I could remember anything else, I shot up when I heard knocking on our bedroom door. It hurt deep down that I really felt like she was here again. It was something I still struggle to describe. It's an aching in the entirety of my body because she wasn't here. It felt like her death never even happened. I was mad too. Partially because my memory was interrupted. Jacob opened our bedroom door with something that I really didn't care about.
"Were you sleeping?" he asked, making me nod. He sat down next to me before handing me a water bottle.
"You really should eat something," Jacob quietly told me.
"I... I'm hungry," I whispered, opening the water.
"Do you want me to order somethin'" he asked, resting his hand on my thigh. I noticed he already took his work pants off, but I knew firsthand how uncomfy presentable pants get after wearing them for too long.
"Yeah," I agreed.
"You wanna come sit with me in the living room?" Jacob offered.
"Okay..." I whispered, picking up Oliver before standing up. Instantly, dizziness hit me like a fucking truck. I clung onto Jacob's arm and saw black spots forming in my vision. I blinked a couple times to try and make them go away, but eventually just asked him to carry me.

[Jacob POV]
Luca blocked his eyes when I carried him since the lights turned on in the hallway and living room were apparently blinding him. I sat down on the couch with him in my lap, watching him slowly uncover his eyes before relaxing into my chest.
"Do you wanna watch a movie?" I softly asked.
"...Okay. Quiet though?" he whispered, looking up at me hopefully. I really think he's regressing right now, but I'm not going to press him on it right now.
"I can make it quiet for you, buddy," I agreed, matching his volume. I quickly put on a disney movie, rapidly lowering the volume from 20, our normal volume, down to 8. Luca pulled a blanket over him, and my chest, as I took my left hand to slowly run through his hair. I used my right hand to open DoorDash and find somewhere he'd like to get food from.
"What are you hungry for, buddy?" I quietly asked, continuing to rake my hands through his hair.
"I want mashed potatoes..." he timidly whispered to me.
"I can do that. Don't worry," I told him, opening KFC. Honestly, for me, their sides are the best part of their menu instead of the actual chicken.

"I got a bruise," Luca whispered, about 20 minutes after I placed the order and paid. He hovered his arm over my face so I could see the relatively large bruise by his forearm, just below his elbow.
"You need me to kiss it better?" I softly asked, making him smile for once since these past two weeks.
"Please..." he mumbled. I smiled back at him and very gently kissed his bruise for him.
"It feel better?" I asked.
"Yeah," he said, his voice sounding more and more childish the more he talked. I moved from his arm and instead kissed his face, making him giggle. I'm happy that he's in a little bit of a better mood for now. I know he's going to be upset again later, which is completely justified, but it's good to know that he's happier right now. There was a knock at the door, so I pulled away and gently pushed him off my lap, setting him on the couch where I wasn't sitting. I did contactless delivery, so I wasn't worried about putting pants back on. I opened the door, picked up dinner, and locked the door back after it was shut again. I did get chicken regardless of the fact Luca didn't ask for it. I knew I'd eat it, and he needed protein. So I was going to gently suggest he try it. Or let him share with me.
"You hungry, baby?" I asked, setting it on the coffee table and opening the bag. He slid from the couch to the floor in front of the coffee table, the blanket still wrapped around his shoulders.
"I eat it...?" he quietly asked, chewing on my hoodie sleeve.
"Exactly," I agreed, grabbing his food and pulling off the plastic lids for him.
"Are you little?" I asked as I set it in front of him.
"Ya..." he whispered, reaching for the plastic spoon I grabbed for him. I handed it to him before sitting down in front of the table too.

"Daddy... share?" Luca quietly asked. I hadn't convinced myself to try and get him to eat the chicken yet, so I was thankful that was something I didn't have to do now. I just got boneless wings, so I handed him the piece I had in my hand. He took a little bite, testing the waters before daring to take a bigger one. When he ate the rest of it, I assumed he liked it so I set a few more in front of him.
"If you want more, you can still have more," I reminded him before letting him just enjoy watching the movie. He definitely wasn't listening to it.

All The Small ThingsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora