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[Jacob POV]

I wasn't concerned with how suspicious it looked until a patrol car pulled up next to me. There was another cop car behind him, and he also pulled up next to the sidewalk. The officer rolled down his window and asked me to stop walking. I did, confused as hell. He stepped out and told me he needed my ID.
"It's in my pocket if you can grab it. I don't have any free hands," I genuinely told him.
"Here, set him down. I got him," the officer said, making me internally realize what's happening. It looks like I'm kidnapping him. It makes sense that someone would call the cops from an outside perspective, but it's so inconvenient when it's below freezing outside. I set Luca on his feet, holding onto his waist until he got his balance before pulling out my I.D. and handing it to the officer. Luca reached out for my hand, but I knew that I really wasn't supposed to when the cop was called because it looked like I was bringing Luca with me for malicious intentions.
"Alright. Why are you carrying him?" the officer asked.
"He's drunk. Him and my coworker got into something over something I did, and he just left. But he doesn't always make the best choices when he's upset like this, so when she told me I went with her to go find him," I tried to explain.
"How do you know him?" He continued to question.
"Oh, he's my fiance," I answered.
"You mind sitting in my patrol car while we do his breathalyzer?" He asked.
"No, I don't mind," I agreed, sitting down inside the back of the patrol car when the officer opened the door.

[Luca POV]
"You gonna let me test you to see how drunk you are?" a guy in a uniform asked. I assumed he was a cop since he had the things on his car that made noise.
"Am I in trouble...?" I asked, pulling Jacob's sleeves down past my elbows.
"No, we've just gotta see how much you drank. Is that okay?" He asked as a different cop walked over. She looked really nice, so I didn't mind her being there too.
"Okay," I agreed, not entirely sure what I was agreeing to.
"Can you tell me what you were drinking?" the girl asked me as the other cop got a device out of his car.
"...Juice and something," I eventually said, really trying to remember what the name of it was.
"How much of it did you have?" She continued to ask.
"Mmmm... A lot?" I answered, not entirely confident in my answer but making one of them laugh.

"Haha, we don't normally get that answer," He laughed, putting something plastic over the tube part of the little box.
"Okay, I need you to blow into this when I say go. Don't quit 'til I say you can stop," he instructed me, holding it up to my mouth. I nodded and took a big breath, waiting for him to give me the green light.
"One point twelve," The officer declared after a little bit of the machine beeping.
"We're gonna take you both to the station for a while until you sober up. Okay?" She told me.
"With Jacob?" I asked, making sure he'd be there to hold my hand. I don't even remember why I was sad. I just wanna be with him.
"Yes, sir," the male cop told me.
"Okay..." I agreed, following the girl and getting in her car.

"I want Jacob," I quietly said, trying to keep myself from crying.
"We're working on it, hun. We just gotta go through all the steps to make sure you're safe," She reassured me, taking my I.D to check it.

[Jacob POV]
We got to the station and they kept me and Luca separate, which didn't really surprise me.
"What's his full name?" the same male officer asked.
"Luca Shane Thompson," I answered, hoping all the questions were this simple.
"How old is he?"
"And how old are you?"
"Do you know what he had to drink?"
"No. When we found him, he wasn't carrying anything alcoholic. He just reeked of it,"

The officer relaxed back in his chair and thought for a second before continuing.
"Does he have a habit of this?"
"Not the drinking. He gets really upset and he leaves the situation then does really impulsive stuff that he regrets later," I honestly said.
"I know he says he wants to go home with you, but is there anyone else he can stay with?" the officer questioned.
"I mean, our mutual friend or my family. He doesn't really have family to go stay with for the night,"
"Alrighty. I've got your phone number. We'll probably check in on y'all tomorrow, but you're free to go home for tonight at least," He said, sighing and standing up.
"Thanks. Um, my truck's at work still. Is there any way I can get a ride to drive it back down here?" I asked.
"Sure. I'll drive you," He agreed.

It was only like 5 minutes to get there and another 5 back. I parked my truck before getting out and coming inside with the officer.
"Come on, you're going home," the female officer said to Luca, making him instantly perk up. They had wiped the blood off his face. He stood up, hugging and latching onto me when he finally noticed I was there. Luca didn't talk to me even when we got back to the apartment.
"Luca, you need to hear me out," I tried to reason with him.
"You don't like me," He cried to himself. I doubt he even heard what I just said to him. I stepped back for a second to figure out the best move. He was sitting on the end of the couch, occasionally hiccuping and then gagging like he was gonna puke. I gently sat next to him and held one of his hands after he wiped his face.

"Baby, I love you so much," I told him, my voice breaking as I willed myself to keep from crying. "I don't wanna be with anybody else but you. You don't know what happened,"
"Listen to me," I said, hoping it would make him pay attention, "We smoked weed but something was fucked up with it. I can't remember what happened after, but she says we had sex. Luca, I wasn't even conscious," When he heard that, he turned to face me for a second before hugging me.
" 'm sorry! Love you," He slurred, clearly still feeling the effects of the alcohol.
"Come here, just try to go to sleep. We'll talk 'bout it tomorrow," I reassured him, scratching his back.

That next morning, I sat in bed and waited for Luca to wake up while I scrolled on my phone. I had the conversations with me and Jane pulled up to show Luca, so now it was just a waiting game. It only took half an hour for Luca to shift and sit up, his hair a complete mess. He still looked cute.
"Morning," I quietly told him as he woke up completely. He rubbed his eyes and climbed into my lap, his head on my bare skin.
"Are you ready to talk about it?" I softly asked after he started tracing my newest tattoo. He nodded and mumbled a 'yeah'.
"Do you remember what I told you last night?" I asked, making him shake his head.
"I-I don't remember a lot from after I started drinking," Luca quietly admitted.
"Um, a couple weeks ago me and Jane smoked weed after work with people from the kitchen. But, something was weird with it. I don't remember us having sex, but she says we did. And... I was looking at our messages to show you," I explained, unlocking my phone and handing it to Luca. I had already scrolled up to the first message about it for him.

'If you decide to tell Luca abt what happened tell him im sorry. Kay?'
'Wtf do u mean?'
'You don't remember us smoking?'
'I sorta do but not anything after'
'Nvm then'
-New Messages-
'hey wanna get high after work? I talked my brother into giving me more. we could prob do what we did the other week after work again ;)'

"Jacob, that's really fucked up she did that," Luca told me, setting my phone down next to me. "That's not okay. You weren't in the right mind to even consent to that!" It made me feel uncomfortable to think about the fact she took advantage of me, so I tried to brush it off.
"It doesn't matter-" I tried to say.
"It does. We don't have to talk about it, but I have to make sure you know that," He cut me off, softening his tone after he did so. "I really shouldn't have gotten so upset so fast,"
"I don't blame you, baby. Can you just forgive me?" I asked, scratching his back up his shirt. He nodded and sat up taller before leaning in and gently kissing my lips.

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