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Kinda a filler chapter, sorry

[Luca POV]
We were at the store cause Jacob needed new clothes, and he wanted my opinions on them. I was waiting outside the dressing room cause there was a limit on how many people could be in a single room at a time.
"Do you like that black or the dark blue?" Jacob asked through the door.
"The black ones," I answered, hoping he'd be done figuring out sizes soon. It didn't take long for him to step out in his sweatpants, a couple pairs of jeans in his hands.
"Okay, you need more jeans, too. Because you have like two pairs you'll wear," He said, "including the ones you've got on right now."

"Hold on, I left my phone," He mumbled, stepping back into the dressing room and not shutting the door. It didn't take that long, but I guess it took long enough for some guy to see me and assume I was single.
"Hey, baby. You think you can help me out with something?" Some guy asked, leaning up next to me. I shook my head as Jacob stepped back out. He took one glance at the guy before grabbing me by one of my belt loops and pulling me away.
"He's not interested," Jacob said for me, making the guy frown.
"Whatever, man. These bitches out here never want a good guy," He rambled to himself as walked away, making Jacob roll his eyes.
"I liked when you grabbed me like that," I commented.
"Like how? By your belt loops?" He asked back, a little confused.
"Yeah," I confirmed, "I like how dominate it makes you seem,"
"I'll remember that for you, baby," He said, starting to separate the pairs of jeans he liked v.s. didn't.

"What sorta jeans do you want?" He asked, making me shrug.
"I don't know. I like jeans like the ones I'm wearing," I said.
"Let me see the tag on them," He told me.
"Why?" I asked, obediently turning around for him and letting him flip the waist band of my jeans.
"You're size," He answered, going silent for a second before letting go and fixing them for me.
"You're a 28," Jacob told me, honestly really confusing me.
"What's that mean?" I asked, turning back around to follow him.
"That's just how many inches your waist is," He told me.
"Oh. I didn't know that," I mumbled, grabbing his hand.

We ended up getting me new jeans and new shorts. Which Jacob told me I needed to try on.
"Do I have to?" I asked, getting a nod. I pouted a little but took the clothes and stepped into a dressing room. I stripped down from my current jeans and started with the shorts. They were he same type and size. The only thing different between them was the colors. So I tried on the black ones. Jacob said he wanted to see them on me before we got them to make sure they actually fit okay. So I reluctantly opened the door and let him see.
"Do they feel fine?" He asked, turning to me.
"Yeah. The tags pissing me off, but I just cut them out anyway," I said. He told me that they looked good and told me to try at least one of the jeans. So I did. They were bootcut and had stars on the pockets.
"Those ones are really pretty," He said when I showed him. "Okay, if you wanna be done trying clothes, we can," He permitted me. So I quickly shut the door and changed into my jeans before slipping on my tennis shoes.

I thought we were ready to go home, but we were only driving for a couple of minutes before we pulled into a parking lot. It was for a bridal store, which kinda confused me a little bit. It obviously wasn't just dresses, but that's a lot of what they had. I looked out the front window and saw Tara waiting by the front of the store with someone else, making me gasp.
"Yeah, I knew you'd be excited to see her," Jacob said, unbuckling himself and getting out. I quickly followed suit and held his hand as we went to go see his mom. I found out later that the other woman with Tara was Jacob's aunt, so Tara's sister. The entire thing was kind of a blur. Jacob teased me about getting a dress, but we both ended up getting tuxes. I felt sorta stupid, but I told myself to get over it. We both got white, obviously. The few differences were the detailing. The trim and inside of Jacob's pockets were black, and so were the buttons. Mine was just plain white everywhere. When we were paying, I didn't notice Tara was doing it until halfway through the transaction. So when we got outside the store, I reassured her she didn't have to do that.

"Honey, I'm not making either of you pay for this. It's for your wedding. Really, don't worry about it," She told me, grabbing my hand firmly for a second before letting go and kissing Jacob's cheek.
"Me and TJ are gonna go eat. I'll see you both soon, okay? Don't be scared to visit," She said before walking with her sister to their car. I followed Jacob to the truck and climbed in, being told I was in charge of making sure our stuff stayed out of the floorboards. So I put it in my lap. Due to all the social stuff I had to do today, I was slipping in a matter of minutes.

"Mine!" I cried after we got home. After the entirety of my social battery was drained, I was more sensitive of my routine being disrupted. And since I got used to Carter's schedule that he put me on, I was used to taking naps at 3. So when it got past my new nap time and Dady was still washing our comforter, I was freaking myself out.
"Luca," He calmly said, crouching down to talk to me. I was currently on the floor next to our bed.
"Your words. You have to use your words," He firmly reminded me.
"Nap! Time for nap," I exclaimed, still just as upset.
"Shhhh, baby. Take a breath," He encouraged me, sitting down fully and inviting me into his lap. Regardless of how disrupted I was, I climbed into Dady's lap and wrapped my arms around him.
"There you go. You're doing such a good job," He praised me when my breathing evened out, rubbing my back.
"Can you try using your words again?" He suggested.

"Need nap. Is time for nap, an I can't miss it..." I explained, my words more comprehensive.
"Aw, good boy. Thank you," He continued to praise me.
"Do you want to take your nap with a different blankie?" Dady suggested, making me nod.
" M sorry," I apologized, rubbing the tears away.
"It's okay... A little baby couldn't know any better," He mumbled, standing up and getting down another blanket.
"Dady too?" I asked after he pulled the comforter over me so I could sleep.
"How could I say no to such a cute little boy?" He asked, stripping down his jeans and climbing in next to me.

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